Chapter 26- This is the beat of my Heart

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"Cass!" I hear Eve yell behind our group, I turn around "Eve!" I yell as she speeds up to get to us making a line of 4 of us. "Ok Eve lemme see your schedule" I say and she hands it to me "Ok so we're all going to homeroom and we all have music and advanced music and I have art and english with you and Syd and you and Iza have science together." I say reading it over again. "Yeah.. Yeah then we all have lunch obviously" I say as we approach homeroom. "ooookayy" I say, spinning into the room the other 3 laugh and I smile at them. We go to the back and form a square, me in the far corner, Iza left of me and Eve in front of me, Sydney sitting before Iza. We talk about Eve and I's family until the teacher calls the class's names for attendance. "Evelyn Wentz?" she asks and kids look up at her as she raises her hand. "Here" she says simply and she looks over to me. "It's ok, people treat you regularly after a bit. Except for a few people that want to be your friend to be closer to Pete and stuff" I whisper to her. "Ok thanks" she whispers back.


Time Skip


"Hey guys!" I say to the dogs as I walk in, I had to walk home as Brendon was at a meeting talking with the band in a meeting and there wasn't a point for him to pick me up since i only had half an hour left of school and it was only a 15-20 minute walk from the school to home. I walk upstairs and sit on my bed stroking penny lane's soft fur as i text Kenzi

Cassie- Heyo <3

Kenzicorn- Hey b

Cassie- wassup

Kenzicorn- nothing.. doing biology hw -_-

Cassie- Same I just got home ;-; I had to walk

Kenzicorn- Ew

Cassie- ikr

Kenzicorn- I don't wanna have this much biology

Cassie- Yeah don't you have 2 hours of it?

Kenzicorn- Yeah

Cassie- Ew

Kenzicorn- Ik

I hear the door open and close then I text Kenzie back.

Cassie- Gtg Bren's home

Kenzicorn- Kk

I click my phone off getting off my bed, heading downstairs "Hey Dad!" I yell and don't hear a response. "Bren?" I ask as I walk down a few steps, before walking down again I see two brawny men and a woman standing in the doorway. I quickly sprint to my room and grab my phone, running to the bathroom locking the door before texting Brendon.

Cassie- Um dad? There are 2 men and a woman in the living room?

Brendad- What?? I'm on my way.

Brendon's POV-

"What???" Dallon asks and I nod standing up running out of the room to my car. I unlock it and instantly get in and start it, pulling out of the driveway before swerving slightly above the speed limit until I pull into the driveway. I hop out of the car, locking it, and unlock the front door. Running in stopping as I see Cassie in the grasp of one of two men, Brown buzzed hair and greenish blue slits for eyes. "Let go of me!" Cassie screams and I see him tighten his grip on her arms as she flails around helplessly. "Who are you?!" I ask and the woman looks at me. "You wouldn't want to know" she says. "Let go of my daughter!" I scream at the man holding her. "She's not yours. Where's the other one?" he asks in a familiar monotone voice. "What other one?" I ask rolling my eyes and Cassie looks at me dead in the eyes "13 22 1 31 3" she mumbles. "Cassie? What'd you say?" I ask and she furrows her eyebrows at me. "13 22 1 31 3" she repeats a bit louder. "13 22 1 31 3? What does the mean?" I ask. "P-pete, Eve, M-mom and D-dad" She stumbles.

Cassie's POV-

I feel myself lose control over my body, the guy holding me had a majorly tight grip on my elbows, as I mumble to Brendon "P-pete, Eve, M-mom and D-dad" I say and he nods. "Ok??" he says and the man's grip goes a bit tighter, holding a pressure point and I start seeing some stars in my vision. "F-find them. Protect t-them" I say before I black out.

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