Please Don't Eat My Refrigerator Magnets

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Yoongi's POV
The next time Jimin showed up in front of my door, he was once again completely drunk off his ass and probably too irresistibly flushed for me to handle. I'd just finished turning in my mid term and I was about to go to bed when muffled whines could be heard from my room.
It was two o'clock in the morning and I was wearing nothing but a pair of embarrassing characterized boxers when I received a confirmation that someone was at the door by the clumsy, loud knock on the door.

"Yoongi-hyungie, c'ni borrow some pillows? TaeTae n'I wanna make a fort!" He'd spun out as soon as I cracked it opened just enough so my lower half wasn't revealed.

"No. Go away." I said, quickly trying to slam the door in his face.
Just my luck though, the little shit was apparently some kind of fucking Sonic and once again managed to dash his little hedgehog body right through. He darted his way past me and ran into my kitchen, nearly slipping and falling on the tile in his fuzzy blue socks.

"Yoongi can we make tea~?" He swayed, turning his head to shoot me his dazzling eye-smile.

"No." I deadpanned, wishing more than ever to be asleep. Or dead. My cheeks burned as his eyes traced down my exposed skin and Kumamon underwear.

"Hyung~" He purred while taking a sloppy step forward. "You're so pale." He stared me down, orbs stretching across my ghostly complexion until landing on my boxers. "Kumamon?"

"Jimin, get out." I growled, trying my best to not stutter with embarrassment. "I'm not making tea, it's late."

"But hyung~" He whined, stumbling his way over to me and knocking over a chair in the process. I crossed my arms and stared down as his pouty face, shamelessly eyeing his perfect little mouth.
"Can we please~? I jus wanna drink with chu, Yoon."

"I think you've had enough to drink." I spat monotonously. Jimin's eyes stayed locked onto mine in an almost silent stare-down; little whimpers escaping his lips as his eyes began to fog up.

"But hyung-ah!" He launched himself forward onto my body, arms wrapped tightly around my neck. "Woah. Yer eyes're liek really good."

"My eyes are good?" I quirked an eyebrow at his choice of words; expertly distracting myself from minding the way his little fingers played with the hair at my neck. He shook his head quickly, batting a hand at my bare chest and pouting like it was my fault he was too drunk to say anything coherent.

"No. Y'know what I mean." I relaxed a bit and wrapped my arms around his waist. This was all too exhausting and I was growing all too tired of having to tiptoe around him 24/7.
In a moment of pure sleep deprivation, I tapped his thigh and whispered for him to jump. It took him about a second to understand what I meant before he obeyed, throwing himself around me like a drunken little pink koala.
I trudged my way into the he kitchen and set him down on the counter by the sink. His legs swing and tapped against the lower cupboards as he held his arms firmly placed around my neck. His breath smelt of sugar and he licked his lips while staring down at me and moused my hair up. The strength it took to hold back a groan could've probably won several wars- I was sure- because all I felt like doing in that moment was slamming my lips onto his and screaming at him how frustrated he's made me the past few weeks.

"What're you doin Sugahh~" He dragged out.

"Sugar?" I smirked at his choice of pet name, oddly already fond of the way it curled off his lips like a wave of honey and maple syrup.

"No, no! Suga! 'Cause yer sweet and smell nice." He giggled. I shook my head lightly, unable to stop the heat from crawling into my cheeks and the smile curving at my lips.
I held gently onto his hands, storing away the memory of how warm and soft the felt in my own, and slid out of his drunken embrace. I pulled out a kettle and started to boil some water.

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