Soak My Ass Like A Bath Bomb

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Yoongi's POV
Howls of laughter left our systems when we darted from the club. A few onlookers skeptically shifted from foot to foot as our immense drunkenness (we may or may have downed a few more shots before leaving.)
Both our footings were off as we flopped our heavy bodies across the blurry cement, laughing at something I couldn't even remember.
The trees guided our way back to the campus as well as the few stray cars puffing along the roads to get home. The moon was full above our heads and the trees shone with silver leaves, swaying with a light summer breeze.
The air was surprisingly warm all of the sudden and I wasn't sure if it was because of the alcohol or just a drastic raise in temperature.

Then again it also could've been because Jimin's pink tufts of hair burrowed under my chin and his body latched itself to mine like one of those squishy plastic men on strings Hoseok and I used to fling against the walls of his house back in grade school.

"Hyungie c'nwe sleep together?" He asked, eyes dilated with liquor and innocence.

"Sure." I laughed, moving my feet with his tiptoeing on the tops of my shoes.
A while later, we finally arrived at our apartment complex and greeted Mrs. Chu with bright smiles and flushed cheeks.
And then I started to sober.
My hands started shaking almost as soon as we entered the elevator. The alcohol was finally wearing thin in my system and I was more than uncomfortably aware of the thick air and tight fabric of the situation.

"Yoongi-hyung~" Jimin's cherry-coughdrop voice sung with an echo effect giggle bouncing around the metal shaft as the number flicked above our heads.
"C'nwe make tea?"

"Sure, Jimin." I mumbled, keeping my head low and curtained by my fringe in the hopes of him not catching on to my blush.

He's drunk. I'm sure he won't even notice. My conscience reminded as my shoulders sagged. I glanced over at the boy for a quick second before meeting his eyes and snapping back to my sneakers.

'Shck' Jimin's nose brushed against my own and his arms caged me in on either side, back against the cool metal.

"J-Jimin?" I gulped, swallowing shards of glass.

"Hyung, I thought you said you'd be leading?" His head tilted to the with a mischievous curve to his lips.

"I-" My words fell dead in my throat. Pink tufts of hair fell elegantly to the side, revealing dark eyebrows and golden-brown irises. He leaned in first, warm breath fluttering over my cheeks; if I were to move even just the slightest I would know if his perfect little mouth felt as soft as it looked.
I darted my tongue out over my lower lip out of habit from nerves- accidentally lapping at the seam of my neighbor's sensitive skin.

Jimin's lips tugged into a grin while my whole body burst into flames. Smooth fingers ghosted over my jawline and I held my breath.

"Yoon-" Saved by the bell. We'd reached our floor and before either of us could stop to think, we jumped away from each other and awkwardly shuffled out of the elevator.
Two old women stood unamused at our behavior- no doubt having had seen something; in the least got an idea from our flushed faces.
We walked three feet apart down he hall until we reached my door and I got the pleasure of fumbling for my keys until they decided to stop dancing from my fingers.

"Ah!" I cheered, lock clicking and I swung open the door. We both slipped out of our shoes and left them in the hall before making way to the kitchen.

"D'ya mind if I take a shower?" Jimin mumbled shyly. All blood pumping through my central artery snap-crackle-popped with the memory of earlier that day. "I'm kinda sweaty." He said, arms swinging at his sides.

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