Strawberry Cake and Fake Dates

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Yoongi's POV
When we walked into the café we were greeted with the fresh atmosphere of warm air and ground coffee beans. Even though my work place was at Vincent's I wasn't exactly comfortable with the idea of the people I work with having to make my coffee. Plus this place had better strawberry cake than we did.
The entire establishment screamed Instagram minimal- colored with white and warm beige hues with large leafy plants near every table. The seating areas were vintage styled light wood tables and black modern chairs of all different designs. There were stools and a bar table close to the pickup area outlooking the window. Outside, the rain was picking up and the scatter of people were running to take cover.

"Hey, what are you gonna get?" Jimin beamed, pink hair covering his eyes even after he'd pulled off my orange beanie.

"I dunno. Probably just dark coffee and strawberry cake." I shrugged, his hand getting pulled up with mine at the action. His smile lit the entire place with a new type of sunlight as I pulled us over to the line and avoided eye contact by looking at the menu.

"Hyung, is the Caramel Macchiato good?" He whispered, warm breath fanning over my neck. I looked around the cafe and watched judgmental eyes shoot towards us, eyeing our linked hands and mumbling in disgust about indecency and 'Going against God's plan'. Jimin detached his fingers from mine when he recognized the stares as well. My heart sank, but before I could get too disappointed two arms circled around my waist, grabbing hold of both my hands an lacing them underneath his over my stomach.

"Maybe I should get tea. What'dya think, hyung?" He hummed, voice a bit louder as he scowled over my shoulder at the particularly loud group of business men in their mid fifties shooting disapproving glances every few seconds.

"Jimin stop." I shook my head. "You don't need to get sucked into their bigotry. All you're doing is putting on a show for them and they're not gonna change their ways, kid." I untangled myself from him and walked up to the counter, nodding at the barista and ordering for both the pink haired fluff ball behind me as well as myself. When I looked back at him he was stepping up towards the counter, wallet out and I stopped his hand, taking it in my own and pulling over to the barstools to wait.

"Hyung what are you doing?" He asked with a frown.

"I already ordered for you." I replied, casually looking away out the window as he stared down at me. With a quick once over at the café I noticed a mixture of reactions to Jimin and I's unsubtle skinship. Most were disgusted and talking quietly behind menus or flattened hands. Others were, what looked like, teenage to college girls giggling and squealing in their seats.
One table, however that bothered me the most, was the group of five high school guys that must've attended the school down the block judging by their jerseys.

"No doubt the guys with him, bet the pink one could ride dick all day with an ass like that."

"I'd bang." A blonde smirked, eyeing Jimin's backside up while the small dancer looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Ew, dude you gay? I'd only do it if I were drunk off my ass." One laughed.

"But why's a beauty like that with someone like that." The blonde sneered, sizing me up. I could feel a burning iron lunge deep into my chest, flesh sizzling with anger. Not only because what they said was true, but because of how lowly they were speaking about Jimin.

"He's so thick. I'd fuck those thighs into tomorrow if I weren't straight." A purple haired giant grinned.

"His boy toy is so thin." An auburn haired guy with an eyebrow piercing gawked.

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