Bonus Chapter: Honey Kissed

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Yoongi's POV

Jimin had texted me at around four in the morning with the bribe of hot coffee and a movie marathon with Hobi, Yugyeom, Jin, Joon and his roommates.
Initially, my first thoughts at such a time on a weekend would've been to chuck my phone across the room and tell the small, ashy brunet to fuck off.

The low quality selfie I got as ransom helped though.

He stood, looking half awake with a black haired Hoseok clinging to his side with the others in the background looking just as worn out as the young dancer.
I groaned into my pillow, tired smile concealed by the navy down comforter bunched under my curled fingers.

I sighed in bliss, taking a moment to just stare at the kid's bright smile and slight- but not unhealthily- tired eyes. His fluffy puppy dog hair was so wild I could almost see floppy ears and a small tail wagging excitedly behind him right next to Hoseok's own.
Another photo soon popped with a blurred picture of Jimin laughing, which I assumed was taken by Hobi considering the finger spot covering a corner of the picture with Jin fiddling with a blushing neuroscience major's silver hair. I rolled outta bed, falling to the floor like a bag of bones and flesh at the sight of the first fingers of sunshine caressed Jimin's honey baked skin. His cheeks were pink and as he curled into his knees while he laughed- the sound gracing my ears just by the sight of the picture.
My phone was cradled between my hands as I stared at him with that familiar warmth in my stomach and chest. I could feel my heart beating normally, a good change in it's usual langsam or nervous accelerando tempo. The tune in my chest was normal and optimistic with the stupid brat back in my life.

I got up, tucking my phone into the pocket of the sweatshirt I'd worn to bed- pulling the hood up to my nose and breathing in. I'd borrowed it from Jimin about two months ago, but it still smelt of his strawberry body wash and coconut shampoo.
I got dressed quickly, shimmying into my black skinnies and a yellow long sleeve shirt, and a navy blue ball cap to cover my atrocious bedhead. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, grabbed my keys on the way out the door.
I waved at Mrs. Chu on my way out of the old, red brick building and felt the snow kiss my chapped lips as soon as I stepped out.

The very few cars on the university street zoomed in blurs of monochromatic colors. Jimin's laughter buzzed in my head the entire way there; the slushy flurries of white sticking to my shirt and sleeping through the holes in my jeans.
Some students bustled by in their hoodies, scarves and crappy home made beanies too tight for their heads. I followed the paint trails, weaving through the early risers off to morning classes and into Vincent's; already packed to the brim with students and business workers, the line near halfway out the glass doors.

It wasn't hard to spot my band of reckless mavericks, colored with pink lady apple cheeks and grins that struck up the entire place with invisible party poppers and animal balloons. They were the god damn morning fiesta nobody asked for and that, some, really couldn't stand at such an hour (me being one of them- no matter how blithe I was).

"Aw, wow. Look who finally fuckin' woke up for his god damn shift- lazy motherfucker." Jin growled, eye bags darker than a David Lynch mini series. Namjoon sat passively at his side, running delicate fingers over his- really, really- good friend's sleeve of ominous tattoos. Sometimes he'd get so caught up that he'd lean in and peck a light kiss into his hyung's shoulder to call him down.

"Fuck off, jackass it's a Saturday and I don't have work until tomorrow." I but back, taking my spot right next to the rice cake boy I hadn't taken my eyes off of since walking in. "Joon, when're you gonna get him laid so he can get some actual beauty sleep. He needs it." Jungkook snickered, chugging down what appeared to be his third cup of god knows what while sitting in Taehyung's lap. From what Jimin told me, they weren't officially dating yet (the odd pair had to be perfect for each other- they were the only kids I knew on campus that were crazy enough to wear shorts in the middle of winter) but Taehyung apparently has something planned soon that involved a pillow fort, tea candles and matches. All too dangerous to be within a twelve mile radius of the art major in my opinion.

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