Shape of Him

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Yoongi's POV
After my first few classes I sent a text to Hobi telling him I was making my way towards the studio. As I walked from my Social and Behavioral Sciences class my heart leapt into overdrive at the jumping fluff of pink making his way down the stairs from the Upper Division writing building along with two other, taller, guys in tow. The pink haired kid swept a hand through his hair, loose white t-shirt being tugged against his skin in the cold breeze and oversized bomber falling halfway down his shoulders. He stumbled a bit before gaining his footing again and sending a slap to the thin brunette guy's shoulder for laughing.
The small pinkette seemed to be too clumsy for his own good, tripling and running into things. While half of it was his two friends fault for teasing him and purposefully stepping on the back of his shoes, the other half was just pure obliviousness to the things around him- too lost in space to notice anything.

That is until they began walking across the courtyard and his eyes met with mine. I took in a sharp breath and thrust my head down at my phone and tapping out a response to Hoseok. I glanced up and felt my cheeks heat up when his eyes were still staring. I swallowed thick and started my walk towards the dance studio.

You: omw

YOUR HOPE🌺☀️😇: OKAY DOORS OPEN😁🤗👍🏼👍🏼🐴🐢‼️☀️☀️😉🤓😉🤓🤣🤡🙃😉😜🙃🤣☺️🤑😄😛

Jesus. Even his texts make me tired. I sighed, running a hand through my hair and continuing down between the row of buildings. I could feel my legs already start to ache upon realizing the dance department was all the way back by my apartment complex and let out a small groan of annoyance.

You're going there anyways. My mind reasoned. I pursed my lips tight while staring down at a white patch of wall, paint chipping with the words 'Slip Into The Diamond Life' along with a sloppy 'LOL WOOZI+NAEGA HOSH WAZ HER3'.

Maybe I could just stay here and Hoseok will carry me. I thought.

"Jeon Jungkook!" A strained voice called out while a blur of brunette and pink whisked past me. The small boy was running after his built friend, taking a quick glance over his shoulder at me- stumbling over his shoes and nearly falling- cheeks tinted with warmth as the other laughed, running far ahead. The taller, tanner friend simply jogged behind them with a gentle smile and sunny laugh, telling them to wait up.

My heart sparked against my chest watching the retreating figure of the thick thighs bubblegum prince. My phone buzzed in my hands with a call from my sunshine friend and I clicked the red button. I swaggered down the walkway in a daze filled with thoughts of gorgeous scarlet cheeks and the butterfly breeze that came with the scent of lilac soap.

Shit. I'm so fucked. I groaned, holding tight onto the fabric at my chest. My feet carried me through the cold all the way to the other side of campus.
The dance building was placed right in the arts center in between the studio animation building and the various band and choir classrooms alive with music. Below it, the drama classes met and performed often on the grass in the closed off area connected to the buildings where most of the painters had free will to splatter, mark and mess with the walls around.
Unfortunately for me, my last class was my S&B Sci class all the way on the other side of campus near the parking structures and dorms. I reached the place in about a half an hour with aching limbs and the usual skid or scratch from the one elevated piece of cement outside the Neuroscience building.

Lord, if Namjoon saw me he'd probably laugh his ass off. I'd always think, picking myself up off the ground and brushing away the dirt. Soon enough though, I'd reach the dance building and feel a sense of anxiety just breathing the same air as the triple shot espresso students.
Right as I walked through the door I was hit with the smell of spray deodorant and seriously bad cologne. My nose burned and tears formed along my lash line from the potent scent.

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