chapter 15:If I die young

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Isabella's POV

'I'm wasting away a little more everyday'

"Liam Nooo!"

 "Oh c'mon it'll be fun"

 "Throwing op isn't fun"

 "We won't throw op"


 "Yup" he nodded.

 We were at the amusement park and it was Liam's idea to go on the biggest rollercoaster and I was terrified to say the least.

 "Ok, you're sure about this?" I asked as I got buckled into the seat. The hairs on my arms were already standing and my foot shook nervously.

 "Yes" he laughed.

 "Don't laugh at me you're the one who'll be screaming in a minute"

 "Will not" he shook his head.

 "Ok let's make a bet"


 "The person who screams the loudest has to by the other person an ice-cream yeah"

 "Deal" he offered me his hand and we shook on it. The ride started and it wasn't that scary at first, but as we went higher I really, really wanted to scream. Liam and I were holding hands and I shut me eyes tightly and held on even tighter and somehow managed not to scream. We were almost at the end of the ride when Liam let out a little screech.

 "What was that for?" I asked looking at him all weird as the ride stopped.

 "You deserve an ice cream for being so brave" he shrugged.

 "Ok" I let out a little scream. Now it was his turn to look at me confused.

 "You were brave too" I shrugged.

 We both started laughing then screamed so loud that everyone thought we'd lost our minds.

"Hey Li, do you still like amusement parks?"

 "Love em"

 "We should go sometime"

 "Only if you promise not to scream"

 "Me scream, really? Niall, do I look like the screaming type?" I asked turning to Niall who was sitting on the other side of my bed no doubt on twitter.

 "Noh, Liam why'd ya tink she'd scream?" he asked his band mate.

 "Ok we havta go then, as soon as you get out, ok babe?" Liam laughed.

 "Yeah, ok and we should take Zayn" I smirked.

 "Oh yeah he's a screamer" Niall cracked up. And of course when Niall laughs everyone laughs, it's just that contagious.

Louis' POV

"So Liam, you think she's the one?" I was just trying to keep the mood light, but from the look on Liam's face I'd asked wrong question.

 "I dunno" he answered after thinking about it for a while.

 "Why?" we were always honest with each other and I knew he didn't mind me asking.

 "Well, I really like her-"

 "Have you told her you love her yet?" I just hadta ask.


 "Ok go on" I gestured with my hand.

 "Yeah and I'm not quite sure she feels the same"

 "You mean she didn't say 'I love you' back?" I had no idea how anyone could not say those words back to Liam, I know I couldn't. I mean he just has that face, bless. And he's like 'I love you man' and you instinctively say it back.

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