Chapter 21:Don't wanna wait till it's gone

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Zayn's POV

"I'm gonna hand you over to the very sexy, LI-AAM PAAYNE!" Loueh announced and the crowd went crazeh.

 "Payno! Payno! Payno!" Niall started chanting and the fans joined in and soh did the rest of us lads.

 "Hello Los Angeles!!" Leeyum said and they like went crazeh again.

 "The next song is very special to all of us and if you know the words sing along. This is Happily" he announced and the music started. Leeyum was back to his usual self and everyone was pretty happy. The show went great and we were chillin in our dressing room afterwards. Leeyum was just checkin his phone and we were all makin jokes and stuff, buh then Leeyum suddenly goht serious.

 "You okeh bro?" I asked going up to him.

 "No...This is annoying!" he was obviousleh upset.

 "Whah happened?" I asked taking a seat beside him.

 "They mobbed her again!"

 "Is she okeh?"

 "I dunno, I'm gonna text her know"

 I don't know what's wrong with the paparazzi, really. I mean the girl is dying and there they are just trying to make things even worse for her. According to Leeyum, she's pretty good at handling it, but there is only so much a person can take. I think that's what was really getting to Leeyum, cause they just goht back together and everything. Well, at least the fans are being supportive. Think they realise how much Isabella means to Leeyum. I guess I do too, that's why I've been trying my best to be as nice to her as I can. It's not that I hate her or anything, she's just one of those people you fight with, and you know how it is.

Isabella's POV

The flashing lights were really blinding, but I tried to ignore them as much as I could. There were people yelling stuff and shoving cameras in my face and then there were fans as well. They were being sweet and offering tips like "Just ignore them" and "just keep walking Iz, it’s okay". I appreciated every one of them and I tried to be as friendly as I could to them. I eventually managed to get into the mall and the security made sure none of the paps got in. I was just breathing a sigh of relief when someone grabbed my arm. I was about to panic when I realised it was just a teenage girl.


 "Hi" I smiled. She looked as if she was around seventeen eighteen, not much younger than I am.

 "I know this is weird, but could I get a picture?"

 "Sure" I shrugged and then smiled for the photo.

 "Thank you so much" she seemed so excited.

 "Aww don't mention it, what's your name love?"

 "Katie" she smiled.

 "Katie, I'm going to Top Shop, wanna come?" she seemed as if she'd scream, but then she just nodded. We walked in silence for a little while until she managed to pull herself together.

 "Isabella can I ask you something?" she asked casually looking at all the store front windows.

 "Yeah go ahead"

 "Do you love Liam?"

 Wow that was full on.

 "Yeah Katie I do"

  We were in the store now and I saw her looking hard a particular shirt I myself quite liked.

 "You like it?"

 "Uh yeah it is kinda cute" I could tell she really liked it, but obviously didn't have enough cash.

 "Then take it"

 "Uh I dunno" she seemed awkward.

 "C'mon pick your size"

 She found her size and then I got mine and started taking both to the till. There was a small queue and the people were fussy so she only managed to catch up with me after I'd already swiped my card.

 "Isabella, what are you doing?"

 "Calm down Katie" I handed her the shopping bag, thanked the tiller and started walking out the store.

 "I can't let you do this you barely know me" she fussed.

 "The boys consider fans as family, so we're family friends" I shrugged.

 "I can't that shirt was way over priced" she was feeling really bad and it was a good reflection on her upbringing.

 "Chill out, I work for 'teen vogue' I get discounts ok"

 I could see she was finally accepting it.

 "Thank you Isabella, that's really sweet" she gave me a quick squeeze but then wrinkled her nose.

 "I still feel bad though"

 "Tell you what, you can get us Starbucks. Is that okay?"

 "Perfect" she smiled.

Liam's POV

"And all of that really happened?" I asked shocked.

 "Yeah Li, I had lotsa fun today"

 "So you're totally fine after the mobbin?"

 "Never been better. Well, except when you're around" she laughed.

 "Oh Iz..."

 "You worry too much you know that?"

 "Hey to be fair you give me a lot of reason to worry"

 "Yeah cause I'm touring the world with thousands of guys literally running after me wherever I go" she said a little cheeky.

 "There are thousands of guys chasing after you? Should I be worried?" I teased and she started laughing.

 "You should be very worried"

 "I'll be on the next flight"

 "Oh that might be too late" she made her voice all raspy and we both started laughing real hard.

 "Okay Woody, I best be going"

 "Aww already?" I whined.

 "You need your sleep Mr Hulk"

 "Hey don't be picking on my size" I teased.

 "Alright dialysis time, sweet dreams" and she made this weird kissy noise and cracked me up.

 "Night babe" I made the noise too just a lot louder and more drawn out.

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