He A Lier

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  After the bus left I knew what I had to do was find a job because I told ash and my brother Jinxx that I wouldn't go back to the bar but it paid good maybe I can go back when they are off on tour and when they call I can tell them that I am still looking for a job, Ashley was nice to let me stay at his place for how long I want which made me smile. So I said goodbye to Dani but before I left she stop me. "Amber I know you and please let me help you find a job I can help maybe we can start a band of our own just don't go back to your old job please." She said to me which made me smile more that is a good idea to start our own band but I am still not going to tell her I am going back to make some more money for our soon band. "Dani I will not go back their ok sis don't need to worry about me anymore since matt is gone I can become the person I want to be." Dani nods and smiles that is when she said bye to me and we went off in our own ways.

Right when I walk into Ashley apartment his dog's killer and Tokyo ran to me as I pet them. "I be taking care of you guys since your dad is gone." That is when they ran to the back door they wanted to go out to play which I did, I watch them play that is when I got a phone call from my old job asking me to come back for a while that when I thought about it and I told them that I will be their tonight if they need me my boss said yes they are going to need me for a week. I hang up after the talk and waited till it was time for me to go to work. I let killer and Tokyo in from their playing and I feed them as they lay down on their bed which was so cute it made me smile. When I looked at the time it was time for me to get ready for work, so I went to look for something to wear for my job and I didn't find nothing till I saw a box in Ashley room that said Purdy girls I smiled and knew I can wear one of Ashley sexy girl things he had which I did I put on the sexy bunny one. I walk to work when I got in I knew it was going to be a busy night and I couldn't wait to make money even though if ash and Jinxx saw me they be disputed in me but I had to make some money fast and this was it

when I went back stage I saw Ashley ex Kina when I look at her she look at me back and smirks at me, that is when I saw her walk over to me "Hey you looks like your one of Ashley new toys huh?" she ask me which made me mad at her and I told her "Shut up you don't know shit about me and Ashley so back off." She laughs at me then said "do you really think he loves you he just txt me now saying he wants me to meet him where he is at." I didn't know what to do or say I hope she was lying to me that is when I was about to walk away when she stop me and showed me the txt and it was true it was from Ashley and he wanted her to meet him for a little fun and it had a wink face at the end. I tear up when I saw that. "I told you amber he wanted me so bad he forgot all about you now go on make money for yourself and leave his place because when he comes back we are getting back together and he don't want you around when that happens." That is when I ran away into my dressing room crying hard as I thought I gave myself to him and he went off to txt Kina that he wants to fuck her again I never felt my heart break all I wanted to do was leave and never look back but I need the money to get out of this place so I wipe all my tears away and redid my make-up as I went out on stage and dance like I never did before and I did make a lot of money and I did stay over to make more if Ashley wants kina he can have her I can't believe I let him do that to me when he wants kina!
I left when it was closing time I walk back to ash place and took a shower I just wish he didn't lie to me and say that he love me when he didn't I cried so hard in the shower I couldn't take it anymore I had to talk to someone so I called my brother Jinxx I just hope they are not at a gig or anything I want to hear his voice, so I called him and I got his voice mail well anything is better than nothing. "Hey bro it me amber I wanted to call you...... bro he lied to me he went off and txt kina his ex and told her to meet him
I can't stay at his place anymore where can I go? Please call me back when you get this.....love you bye" I hang up and went into a ball I didn't know where to go or what to do that is when I look at my money I made so I went to count it. My eyes went wide as I made over 1,000 dollars maybe I can go to a hotel to get away from this all. But I knew I couldn't I just got my brother back and I didn't want to lose him again so I just going to say here till I get a phone call back from Jinxx. The next thing I knew I fell asleep and my phone died "Shit my phone is off and I don't know if Jinxx called me back or not I don't want him to think I did the wrong thing. That is when I went to charge my phone that is when I saw I had 3 missed calls and 5 texts .

That is when I went to check on them all of them were from Jinxx "Sister he hurt you but he said he didn't do anything but you said she showed you right sis when you get this please call me back I am worried about you please when you get this call and I deal with Ashley myself don't worry and if you want to leave his place just move in with me and Sammi we got another room for you and I told her that you are going to come over sis I got to go love you bye and call me back." I smiled as I listen to the first one the next one got me worried. "Sis are you ok please I can't lose you again I know me calling over and over isn't right but I have to make sure you are ok.... Ash gets off me I am not going to let you talk to her! Sorry sis I have to go bye." I look down and I hope I didn't fuck up their friendship the next one shocked me it was from Ashley "amber babe I am sorry please talk to me I didn't mean to..." when I listen to it more I heard kina in the back ground and I got pissed off and thought he did fuck her anyways how dare he say sorry when I can hear her in the back giggling I throw my phone as I hear a knock on the door and when I open it was Sammi she ran in and hug me as I broke down in her arms crying. That is when she saw the money and told me she wouldn't tell Jinxx as I nod I told her I wasn't going to do that again.

Sammi got all my things as she puts them in the car as I pet his dogs one last time and got up walk away as the dog sitter came back she knew what happen but she didn't say anything when I left I gave myself to him and he did this to me I will never forgive him for this ever. That is when I got a call from Andy which made me smile we talk all the way till I got to Sammi and Jinxx place and he had to go so we both said bye. That is when I called up Dani and told her everything and she was pissed off she told me she call me later as she hangs up on me. I look down and cried more as Sammi hold me.  

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