I didnt want him to know about my hell

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Amber was talking to Ashley about herself but she didn’t tell him about why she worked at that strip bar she didn’t want him to know what is going on or have him to worry about her she didn’t want that to happen. Amber: so why did you want me to meet you out here for? Ashley: WELL I just wanted to get to know you like why do you work here and what is your name? Ashley saw that amber was wearing a black veil brides t-shirt he smiles to himself. Amber: well my name is Amber and I work here at the strip bar just for the money. Ashley thinks to himself, “I know she is lying but why would she well I am going to tell her about myself I think after I do she will know me”.

Ashley: well let me tell you about me I am Ashley Purdy and I think you know about me. Amber eyes went wide. Amber: no way you are Ashley Purdy! Oh my god! Amber blushes as Ashley laughs. Ashley: yeah it me, so I can tell that you like black veil brides, and the one you like is me as I can tell by your Purdy girl t-shirt. He winks at amber. Amber blushes more. Amber: yes I do I can’t help that you are sexy, so when is black veil brides going back on tour? Ashley: well one more day then we are going back on tour, I hope you can come out and see us. He smiles, amber smiles back. Amber: I wish I could but I be BOOKED with work for a long time.

Amber saw her dad and got pale right when Ashley was about to ask what is wrong her dad yelled. Matt: what the fuck are you doing out here being a slut like always god what the hell am I going to do with you get back home! Amber tears up and runs back home. Matt: and you what the hell have you been doing with my slut girl she is not worth your time. Ashley: how can you say that about your own child do you even love her? Matt: whatever ever since she got into those hell bands she is nothing to me now. Ashley THINKS “is this why amber works at that bar to get away from her father shit man”. Matt: wait a min your part of the band that she likes listen up here I lost my little girl because of your music so stop and stay away from her she don’t need you around to damn her to hell more. Ashley: you can’t tell her what and what not to listen too she can do whatever she wants. Matt: not in my house she don’t when I get home she is going to get the beating of her life now go away I need to get back home to amber. Ashley: your nothing but an asshole and no I will not leave her alone. Matt walks back home to beat up amber for being with Ashley.

Ashley walks home and thinks “ I have a bad feeling that amber is going to get hurt badly by her father but why do I care? All I should care about is getting laid and just WRITING music but there is something about amber I just don’t want to see get hurt, since I got one more day off I want to see her again and hope that she is okay. When Ashley gets back home he sees his two dogs running to him as he smiles.

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