An open letter to my unrequited love

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You probably expect me too say, 'Hey how are you" every time we see each other, and yes thats always the plan. Seeing you makes my day.

I love you more than words could speak. The way your eyes light up the room, the way you simultaneously walk towards the door, your ways. I've seen it all. I wish I could tell you this in person. I'd give anything in this world right now, to be your soulmate. everything about you is pure. 

You taught me to live to the fullest. Honestly.. even on days I didn't want too. You were always a great role model and i could not have asked for a better side kick. You were my hero and I'd give anything to be yours. 

I'm sorry for making things awkward. I'm sorry I asked you for your time when I knew it wasn't right. Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same. I just thought maybe we could bond a little but then again, it would just become more and more painful

I really love seeing your face, your smile melts my heart since the day I met you. I'm sorry for all the pain and the hassle. 

In the mist of all this- I want to say thank you. Thank you for always being by my side when I didnt want to deal with the day itself. When I needed a ride, you were willing to help. When you needed money to get home, I gave you 50 cents to get home, because that's what friends do. 

I'm going to miss you a whole lot, It's gonna take some time to get used too not seeing you. But it isn't healthy for either of us... You like me and I love you. Its going no where. We're like on on the top of a roller coaster hill that all it does is go down once in a while. 

I don't think you realise how much I look at you. You catch me in ways you'll never understand. I can't keep doing this. I love you dude. I have always loved you, and I'm sorry but it's time we end this.

I want to get over you. I want to just be someone you knew. But I also want to be remembered. Please remember me, and I will always remember you. 

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