My Hot English Teacher Loves Me...He Loves Me Not [11]

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Hehe next part :D

Big test tomorrow, wish me luck peoplez :D

Thanks to everyone who commented, voted and ....fanned hehe :D You guyz rock :))



I broke off from Mr. Miller and stared at him. He looked back up at me. "What is it?" he asked softly.

"Ricky...Where is he?" I asked quietly. I looked at myself, legs on either side of Mr. Miller, sitting basically on his stomach. For some reason it just didn't feel right to me. I had just escaped from this situation, and now I was trying to get back in it?

Mr. Miller looked uncomfortable. He gently moved me up and sat up. He shrugged and stared at the floor.

I began to get frantic. "Where is he, Aden?"

"I don't know," he said, a little aggressively. He suddenly looked up at me. "Why?"

"Just because...What if...What exactly did you do to him?" I asked, looking at him inquiringly.

"Why do you care? What...Did you like it?" he asked suspiciously.

"What?!...Aden," I said angrily through tears. "Why would you even THINK that?"

He looked away from me and silently stared at the floor. "I'm not sure if you.."

I cut him off with a furious slap across the face. "I can't believe you," I said, my voice cracking at every word.

Mr. Miller shot up and grabbed me by the waist, putting me into his lap. I tried to wriggle free but he gently gripped my stomach and held me tight. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I was being ridiculous...I know you didn't."

"Leave me alone!" I said through a storm of tears.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry," he whispered reassuringly. I calmed down and my head fell. I sobbed silently, wishing that nothing had ever happened earlier that day.

" say th-that?" I stuttered through deep hiccups.

"I didn't mean it Amethyst," he said, turning me around to face him. He searched me with his pleading hazel eyes. "You know that." My head fell onto his shoulder and I breathed deeply, falling into a trance, just staring at the back of the brown leather couch. He rubbed my back and kissed my neck softly.

It was soothing at first, but then his lips pressed the deep bite mark Ricky had made. I shot up and a cold wind swept across my back, sending shivers up my spine and making my heart quake. Mr. Miller gave me a concerned look.

"Sorry, it's just...he...he.." I couldn't finish my sentence.

"It's okay," Mr. Miller said quickly. "I probably shouldn't do that," he said, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

I gently removed myself from his lap and sat quietly next to him on the couch. I could feel a certain tension in the air. After several moments of opening and closing our mouths, I finally turned to Mr. Miller and said, "I should probably get home now."

"Oh, sure...Yeah, you probably should," he said quickly. He stared at my clothes and said, "You might want to take off your clothes." I looked up at him curiously. "No! I mean..You know...I meant..." He sighed and dejectedly stood up. "I'll go get you something else to wear." He quietly walked out of the room. "I-" he began. Then he stopped and sighed, walking out of the room.

I sighed sadly and went to sit next to the little fireplace. It wasn't cold but the feeling of warmth could always brighten any mood. I put my fingers near it and looked around the room. I looked at the table and saw a plate...With a small serving of lasagna on it. It was half eaten, with a fork stuck right in the middle of it. I giggled and remembered back to when we had made lasagna together. Not to long ago actually. I remembered back to when we admitted our feelings for each other. It gave me that familiar warm glow that I had used to feel whenever I was around Mr. Miller.

I smiled and tears formed in my eyes. Mr. Miller came into the room. I wiped my tears away quickly, embarrassed at how much I had been crying lately. He had a small shirt and a pair of basketball shorts in his hands. "Sorry, I know it's not really," he put up the quotes sign and said, "'Girly.'" almost dropping the clothes. He cleared his throat and said, "But it should just about fit...I mean it shrunk enough." He gave a light chuckle and I a small smile.

He handed me the clothes, and our hands touched momentarily. Mr. Miller held onto mine, gently rubbing my ring finger. I stood there awkwardly for a while and then, slowly pushed past him and into the hallway. I could feel him standing there, in the same spot, not moving.

I came out of the bathroom, to which Mr. Miller immediately stood and went outside to start the car. I felt almost bad for turning away from him like that, but I knew I wasn't ready for this whole...Relationship. Not yet at least.

I went outside and watched turned the keys in the ignition. His shiny Lexus gave a grunt and then was silent. He turned it again, his face a mask of seriousness and concentration. It gave a gurgle and then shut off once again. Mr. Miller angrily pounded the wheel and said, "Come ON!"

I watched him, the way you can tell when someone is trying to especially avoid your gaze, as he focused on the keys in his hands. He tried once more and the engine roared to life, only to shutter and then click off. I sighed sympathetically as he flung the keys away from him with a throaty, "Shit!"

I stepped up as he got out of the car. "I guess we'll have to walk then," I said, hoping we would have a moment to talk things through. He walked right past me and straight up to his gray garage door. I was shocked, and looked in his direction. He bent and pulled the door up. God, he had a nice ass, I thought. I shook my head and blushed at my moronic thought. Now I wanted him.

He looked so adorable, with the black V-neck and and skinny khaki pants he had traded in for the shirtless look he had had earlier. I bent my head to see what he was doing, but it was dark inside of the garage. Did he have another car? Hmm, looks like we're in luck, I thought.

Soon, I heard a small grunt and something being pushed. Out of the garage came Mr. Miller, pushing a midnight black motorcycle, with a helmet under his arm.

He pushed it up to the driveway and pushed the kickstand with his foot. My heart nearly missed a beat as he came over to me with the helmet under his arm. He looked so fine, his eyes nearly shined in the dark. He stepped in front of me and handed me it. "Put it on," he said simply. I idiotically stumbled with it and it nearly dropped twice. He waited a while, smiled lightly and grabbed the helmet from me. He pulled it over my head and snugly fitted the straps.

I nearly gasped as he lightly tucked at my chin. My eyes brightened hopefully. He chuckled and walked off. "Does that mean you forgive me?" I asked, following him like an obedient puppy. I probably looked ridiculous, with my shirt many sizes to big and huge shorts.

He turned and grabbed my waist. He held me back and kissed me the way they do in the old movies. I nearly died, it was so deep. He smiled seductively and got on the bike. "Yeah," he said. "Get on."



Herp ya'll liked it :D

It might be short, but I tried my best :))

Love ya

As always, read it up, vote it, comment it if you feel inclined, and ENJOY!!

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