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The teacher is half-way through to finishing his lecture when the sky turned gray, and droplets of water began falling.

The students began to worry specially those who are commuting.

"Have you brought an umbrella?" Kai asked Momo all of a sudden.

"Are you talking to me?" Momo asked him while raising an eyebrow.


"Yes I do have an umbrella, why did you ask?"

"Can I borrow it?"

"Excuse me, I am going to use it too because duh it's raining."

"That's not what I meant." Kai scratches the back of his head, "I mean can we share with your umbrella? We live in the same neighborhood so I was thinking-"

"Yeah yeah I get it." Momo said laughing while rolling her eyes.

"Kkaebsong what is happening here, what is the vibe that I'm currently feeling?" Baekhyun said nudging Kai.

"Shut up Bacon."

"Yah! I am not a food!" Baekhyun began tackling Kai but stopped when he accidentally pushed Momo aside, but Kai was quick to save Momo from being hurt. He held Momo away from the wooden chairs that was about to make contact with her shoulders.

Baekhyun gasps, "Mian." He said running away guiltily from the scene.

"Are you alright?" Kai asked concerned. He helped her stand up properly.

"I'm fine, thank you."

"Your cheeks..." Kai noticed that it's forming pink.

Momo covered her cheeks with both hands and runs away, when she was by the door, she looks back at Kai and said "Just meet me by the gate!"

Kai chuckles, Did she just blush?


"Yo Chen why?"

"Stop chuckling like an idiot."

"I'm not" He said rolling his eyes, "By the way I won't make it to practice later, just tell coach, something important came up."

"Yah! You sloth."

"That's Sehun, okay? I ain't lazy man."

"Whatever, just make sure to attend the next practice on Friday."

"Sure bro, gotta go."

Jongdae just gave him a nod.

Jongdae turned to Chaeyoung who happened to pass by, "Where is Nayeon, and Chanyeol?"

"They're already in hell." Chaeyoung said silently praying for their poor souls.

"You two have been causing troubles, do you think that it's not a nuisance for us teachers and to your schoolmates? Learn to mature, you are young adults now. Nayeon you should act more of a lady and focus more on your studies, and you Chanyeol, you are role model in this school, you should maintain that image, instead of quarreling with Miss Im, I order you to tutor her, if she failed in Math and English this coming semester and next sem, points will be deducted on you. I don't want to hear any bad things about you two. Are we clear?" As they were being scolded, the thunders echoes loudly inside the room, which causes Nayeon to jump and bump Chanyeol's shoulder.

Ma'am Rosé looked at them shaking her head, "Are we clear?"

"Yes ma'am." They both said in unison.

"Clean Room A-1 to A-5 for 2 weeks, don't you dare to escape, I'll tell the guard to watch over you and if ever you try to escape you will do this for 4 weeks. Understood Park and Im?"

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