Chemistry Laboratory

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Nayeon's POV

All the students here inside the chemistry lab were getting cranky because of the extreme heat. The electric fans, who have only one job, aren't functioning well, and the windows were kept closed and covered by black garbage bags so people outside won't see what we're doing inside, aside from the fact that we are using condoms in these experiment and lower levels might see it and think of nasty things, the class is divided into two batches, the first batch will do the experiment first and we can't tell the second batch what the experiment is all about or else we'll get a minus.

"Yah! Nayeon can you please make yourself useful?" Chanyeol said holding the beaker and graduated cylinder that are full of hazardous chemicals. His face frowning, and eyebrows knitted but he still manage to look cool and handsome while doing it. How on Earth can he do that?

"Nayeon? Can you make yourself more useless?" I rolled my eyes at his statement, "Can you please hold this. You're so pitiful because you look very tired doing nothing."

My good thoughts about him or let's just say my fantasies have vanished in a blink of an eye just because he once again opened his beautiful mouth. I grabbed the other graduated cylinder and lifted it so he can easily transfer the chemicals that he's been mixing. Instead of quarreling with Mr. Know-it-all, I let it go because I know this won't lead me anywhere but chaos. To be honest when I first transferred here, Chanyeol is my ideal guy, aside from his good looks, he is also intelligent, a man with manners and good at basketball but now I want to take all my words back because he's so mean to me. Every time I ask him why is he like that to me, he would always retort "I don't like you.", tss, I don't like you too Park Chanyeol. I despise you and your beautiful face. I look again to my side so I can see his side profile.

Wait I'm really appreciating this view, am I? But maybe I can grab this opportunity to stare at his face. He looks so busy mixing the chemicals and transferring it to the cylinder that I'm currently holding. My eyes started to travel around his face, his pointed nose, his eyes, his red kissable lips...

And his ears, wait the shape of his ears is really funny.

But I like it, I like it so much that I just wanna bite it.

I didn't notice that I am coming closer and closer to him, my face is now inches apart from his, while he on the other hand is still busy measuring the other chemicals, until I slowly got closer and bit his ear.


My eyes went wide upon realizing what I've done. His eyes went wide too and he started moving away from me, the graduated cylinders that we're both holding fell to the counter where my other hand is resting, the chemicals find its way to my hand. I look at it and saw that my hand is now turning red, an unbearable pain coursed through it.

Our teacher came to our counter and asked "What happened?" He asked calmly, trying to analyze the situation.

Tears began to escape uncontrollably because of the pain. Our teacher grabs me to the faucet and I can feel the cold water against my skin, I bite my lips. I look at Chanyeol, his wide eyes are still locked on me, still holding the ear that I recently bit and all I saw was his face before I passed out.


I woke up in a bed, confused at first but the happenings this morning started to flash back. I look at my hands covered with a bandage. Sir Jun comes in with Chanyeol, wait why is here? What the heck is that jerk doing here?

"Nayeon, thank God you're awake." Sir Jun said "Feeling better?"

I nod, I turn to look at Chanyeol who was currently looking at me but right before our eyes meet, he looked away.

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