Chapter 3

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"Gloria, I need a hot chocolate for table five." I handed the page I had ripped off my notepad to her.

I glanced around the diner before coming to the conclusion there were only about four people in the place.

I watched the man and his tattoos find his way to a booth in the back corner of the diner, against the big window looking out to the street. It was my favorite seat out of the whole diner because I could look out and see everything, everyone.

I slowly made my way over to his booth and noticed he had a small journal with him. It was black leather and had an engraving in the corner.

I cleared my throat before speaking, my nerves coming through. "Ugm.. Uh what can I start you off with?" I gripped my pen and tried not to make eye contact. I could feel his gaze burning through me and I mentally cursed myself for not buttoning up my shirt before I left this morning.

I had totally forgot about it.

"You can start me off with two coffees and we'll go from there..." He stated in a thick English accent. I glanced up at him and he winked.

I jotted 'two coffees' down on my notepad and turned for the kitchen.

What was that? Was he hitting on me? Ugh, I can't believe this. It's bad enough I had to run into him twice in one day... There was just something about him that made him come off intimida-

"Here's that hot chocolate." My thoughts were interrupted my Gloria holding out a mug to me.

"Thanks." I told her while exchanging orders.

"Two coffees?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah, I don't know. He must be waiting on someone... Or he's just really thirsty." I laugh while stealing a short look at him. He was looking out the window toward the cars and writing something in his journal... He seemed lost in thought.

"You might be able to leave early. We aren't that busy today..." Gloria tells me.

"We close at five today. It's Sunday." I reply. "I can manage a few more hours."

She nods and ducks back into the kitchen.

I take the hot chocolate to the lady and return to the counter. I can't help but watch the man while I wait for the coffees.

"Here, Carly." Gloria says from behind me.

"Oh, thanks." I say as I take the mugs from her hands.

I take a deep breath and head for the man's table.

"Here you are." I tell him with a forced smile. I set both coffees I'm front of him and start to walk away. Something wraps around my wrist. A hand. His hand.

"Wait." He says. I turn to face him. "One of these is for you..." He continues.

"I'm sorry, I really can't. I'm on the clock." I shake my head and glance around the room.

"Right, you obviously have a lot of orders to take care of." He gestures to the scattered empty tables.

"Fine." I sigh, covering his sarcasm with my attitude. "Only for a few minutes." I sit down at the table and pull a coffee closer to me.

"I'm Harry, by the way." He tells me. "I recognize you from the subway this morning."

"I'm Carly." I nod and give a small smile. A few seconds of silence pass and I continue. "Sorry for staring at you this morning... your tattoos, I mean."

"It's okay. You're not the first." He chuckles.

"What does that one stand for?" I ask while pointing to a rose on his forearm.

"Honestly, I don't know. I was drunk when I got it." He shrugs.

"Oh." I take a sip of my coffee.

I watch him as he glances at his notebook and quickly closes it. Obviously not wanting me to see what was written.

"That's a nice notebook..." I try to make conversation.

"Thanks, it was a gift from a ugh... friend." He observes his hand and I notice scars on his knuckles.

"Alright. We'll I Better get back to work." I slowly scoot to the edge of the table and start to get up.

"I'm sorry." He frowns. "I'm boring."

"No, I just- Gloria needs me to-" I stutter.

"I'm sorry I bothered you. I just wanted some company." He confesses. He looks at me with soft green eyes.

"You're trying to make me feel bad, aren't you?" I smile.

"Is it working?" He smirks.

I don't answer. I just start to get up again.

"Hold on! Listen!" He quickly directs me, waving his hands around. I turn around with my arms crossed.

"Listen, I know you don't know me, but you will... And you'll like it." He says with a light smile.

"Why does that sound like a threat?" I playfully challenge him.

"It's not. It's determination." He proudly declares.

"Mmhm." I nod. "Well, we'll see about that." I tell him before walking back into the kitchen to find Gloria. I suddenly had the urge to leave early...


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