Chapter 5

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"I'll take the subway back with you." He demands. "It's cold and you look like you just fell face first to a floor."

"Because I did." I mutter and he laughs.

I go back into the kitchen to grab my things. Gloria follows behind me.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I whisper-shout. I know Harry could easily hear us.

"What are you doing?" She calmly responds.

"Trying not to leave with this stranger that scares almost all the shit out of me!" I answer. "You?" I spit.

"I'm playing match-maker." She starts.

"Well, stop." I interrupt

"He obviously likes you. He's trying to be nice. I can see it. At least let him walk you home... Maybe he'll ask you out or something." She smiles.

"I don't want him to!" I try my best to keep my voice down.

"Carly, you've lived her for three months and you haven't made any friends except for your co-workers."

I nod. "I know."

"Please. For me?" Gloria looks at me with pleading eyes.

"Fine, but if I get murdered it's your fault." I warn her.

"You'll be fine. Promise." She flashes her big grin and her chubby cheeks squish her eyes so she looks like she's squinting.

"I'll text you." I say as I walk out the kitchen door. Harry is waiting by the exit.

"Have fun, you two!" She shouts as we leave.

Ya. Fun. That's exactly what this will be.


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