Chapter 6

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"You look cold..." He says as he starts to take off his jacket.

"I'm fine." I object, hiding a small shiver. I mentally cursed myself for not wearing my coat this morning.

"Take it." He shoves it in my hands and forces me to stop so I can put it on.

"Thank you." I quietly say.

I see him nodding out of the corner of my eye. This is extremely awkward for him, I can tell. Is he not used to being around girls? He seems like the kind that would be...


We boarded the subway and decided we would stand up. All the seats had been taken by sweaty construction workers. One of them smirking at me as I found a spot next to Harry.

Grabbing the pole, his hand gently brushed across mine and I felt heat rise to my cheeks.

"Sorry." He muttered.

"It's alright." I gently smile.

It got quiet for a few minutes and I couldn't bear it. I had to say something.

"So you live in Brooklyn too?" I asked.

"Yeah, erm... A few blocks from the station actually." He brought his hand to his neck and rubbed it for a few seconds. "Greenville apartments..." He continues.

"Oh, yeah. My mom lives there." I reply.

"Why don't you live with her?" He asks me.

"She wants to feel independent... Like she doesn't need me to help her. I still go over there every other day, but she doesn't want to feel like she's helpless." I explain.

"Oh." He nods. I look over at him and he smiles.

His smile is icing to top of his good looks. His white teeth peer from behind his pink lips. His dimples appeared on both of his cheeks. He tilted his head a little and I felt my heart start to melt. He's just so- what am thinking?! He's a stranger...


The doors opened to the subway and we stepped out. People scattered around the station and Harry took my hand to help guide me out.

When we reached the top of the stairs, he quickly dropped it.

"This is where we part." I turned sideways to face Harry.

People walked all around us. Most of them letting out small groans, irritated we weren't moving down the sidewalk with the crowd.

"I'll see you around?" He smiles.

"We'll see." I challenge him with a playful smile.

"It was nice meeting you, Carly." He nods.

"You too, Harry." I turn to make my way down the walkway but feel a hand grip my arm.

Harry. "Yes?" I ask.

"Here." He holds out a small piece of paper with an address on it. "My friend is having a party later tonight around 9... You should come."

"I really shouldn't, I have t- " I start.

"It'll be fun, promise." He cuts in.

"I'll think about it." I nod and give him a small smile before turning to get lost in the crowd of people making their way down the sidewalk.


I looked down at the piece of paper as I sat on the couch. The party's just a few buildings down from here... maybe I should go.

I take out my phone and text Gloria. I cringe at the thought of her words earlier.

"He obviously likes you. He's trying to be nice. I can see it. At least let him walk you home... Maybe he'll ask you out or something."

Ask me out. That's basically what he did. It's not like we'll be the only people, though. Who knows? Maybe I'll make some friends or something.

I look up at the clock above my television.

6:03. Ugh. If I'm gonna go, I might as well get around now.

After fighting with myself for a few minutes, I decided I would go. I mean, why not?

I got up from the couch and made my way to my room to get it the shower.


** In case you were wondering, I picture Carly as Gabriella Wilde :) **

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