Chapter 2

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"Ugh! I'm so sorry!" I began to wipe up the coffee I had attempted handing to an old man.

"That's the third cup you've spilled today." Gloria reminded me.

"I know. I haven't felt very well all morning." I confessed.

"Maybe you should go take a break or something." Gloria suggested.

I looked around the diner. We weren't very busy and it was nearly one. The idea of a break made my feet tingle, I had been on them all day...

"I will, after I finish getting my mess cleaned up." I sighed and began wiping up the coffee again.


Ten minutes later, I walked out the door of the diner and promised Gloria I wouldn't be too long. The air outside was frigid but it felt good compared to the stuffy air in the diner.

I crossed the street to a bench and sat down. I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds around me.

Car horns honking, people shouting, dogs barking, entertainers playing their guitars for money. Most people love the quiet but I got enough if that growing up.

I wanted to be in the city, around people, everything in walking distance. I grew up in the country and when I was old enough, I moved out and came to the city to be free and loud.

Everything was so colorful and intriguing, the sight of everything was absolutely breathtaking.

I spent a few more minutes taking in my surroundings and giving my feet a rest before going back to the diner.

"I'm back." I informed Gloria as I walked passed her.

"Great, could you take that table over there?" She held up her pudgy finger and I followed it across the room to a table against the wall.

"Yeah, of course." I grabbed my notepad and pen and started off toward the table.

A short woman with brown hair tied in a knot at the top of her head was seated in the booth.

"Can I get you something to drink?" I questioned.

"I'll just have a hot chocolate, please." She smiled at me.

"Ok." I returned the gesture.

I turned on my heel and stopped dead in my tracks when a familiar looking face walked in.

It was him.
*WOAH. Cliffhanger... Kind of. I'm excited for the next chapter! WOOO :)

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