Chapter 14

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I blink my eyes a few times, trying to process where I am. Carly is wrapped in my arms and I realize that I'm at her house. According to my phone, it's nearly 11 o'clock and my head is slightly pounding. Other than that, I'm pretty much hangover free.

I nudge Carly. She mumbles something but I don't hear what she says.

"Carly." I whisper.

She looks up at me. "Hmm?" She asks.

"I think you're late for work." I tell her.

"I have today off... Gotta go visit my mom." She informs me quietly. I nod.

"I can take you if you'd like, I have to go home anyway." I tell her.

"Okay." She mumbles.

We sit in silence for a few more minutes before I speak up again.

"I hate to move but I have to piss."

She lets out a small groan and removes herself from me.

I get up and walk to the bathroom.

When I come back out, Carly is in the kitchen eating a bagel. "You want something?" She asks.

I walk over to her and take a bowl and spoon from her dish rack. "Cereal?"

She points to the cupboard above my head and I open it. Out of several options, I choose Fruity Pebbles.

"Good choice." She smiles.

I pour the cereal into my bowl and turn to take the milk from the fridge.

"Keep that out." She points into to the gallon in my hand.

After breakfast, Carly gets in the shower and gets dressed while I wash the dishes we dirtied.

"You ready?" She asks.

I nod and grab my keys from off the counter.

"Let's go." I say.

We get in the car and drive to my apartments. I park the car in front of my building and get out.

"Are you going to your mom's?... Or-"

"I'll come inside with you first." She smiles.

We walk up the stairs to my apartment and I unlock the door. If it wasn't for my plug-in air fresheners, the place would probably smell.

Pizza boxes and clothes cover the floor.

"Sorry." I mumble. I pick up a few shirts and take them into my room.

When I come back out, Carly is cleaning. "I can get it." I tell her.

"No, it's fine." She says. I can tell its bugging her.

I pick up a pizza box and put it in the trash bag she's holding.

I walk into my room and change my clothes. My normal black skinnies and a gray T-shirt.

When I come back out, Carly is in the kitchen... Cleaning I assume.

"Carly, I didn't bring you here to clean!" I shout to her.

She's emerges and shakes her head.

"I was getting a glass of water." She laughs.

"Ready to go to your mom's?"

She nods her head. "Wait, you're coming to?"

"Yeah, I was planning on it. Is that a problem?" I ask her.

She hesitates for a moment. "No I just didn't think you'd want to."

"I do." I assure her.

We walk out of the apartment and across the drive to The building across from mine. I follow Carly to the door.

"Weren't you supposed to visit yesterday?" I whisper.

"She had some friends over yesterday..." She says. The door opens and a woman that looks just like Carly, but older stands in the frame.

She hugs Carly and looks over to me. "You must be Harry." She smiles.

I nod. "Hello."

"Come inside, I made cookies!" She smiles.

Carly leads me inside and we sit down on the couch. Her apartment looks just like mine, but cleaner and a bit nicer.

"I've heard so many things about you." She tells me.


It's short, I know, but I owe you guys a chapter. The next one is Carly's POV and longer. Promise. ❤️

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