Chapter 11

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"Shit, Is that the time?" I look over at the clock that reads 9:02.

"Yeah." Andy says after taking a swig of vodka. "Why, you got somewhere to be?"

"Yeah. I better get going." I stand up and make my way to the door and stumble a bit.

"Dude, you're wasted." He points out.

"Fuck you, I'm fine." I spit. He's probably seeing double himself.

The room starts spinning and I sit down on the couch. "I really... gotta..go." My eyes are starting to feel really heavy and I rest my head on the armrest. That's the last thing I remember.


When I wake up, I'm still in my dress. I take it off and pull on some sweatpants and a shirt. It's Tuesday, and I have the day off.

I go to the kitchen and make myself a bowl of cereal. I still can't believe Harry stood me up.

I sit down on the couch and turn on the TV. I flip through Netflix for a couple minutes before deciding to watch American Horror Story.

Just as Sister Jude starts to sing 'The Name Game', I stand up and take my bowl back to the kitchen.

Glancing around the kitchen, I figured I should probably clean it up a bit and do some laundry. I put the dishes in the dishwasher along with a soap packet. I walk into my room and take all my dirty clothes from my hamper to the laundry room.

"Kit-Kit Bo-Bit..." I mumble under my breath. The song gets catchier the more I listen to it. After putting my clothes in the washer, I make my way back to the couch.

I should probably go out and do something, but I don't feel like leaving. I am a little low on milk and conditioner, but I'll get it later this week.

I go back into the kitchen and pull out a bottle of wine. If I'm not going anywhere, I might as well enjoy myself. I've had a confusing week so far and today I'm going to relax a little. I take out a wine glass and fill it up about halfway.

I gulp down the contents and put the glass back down on the counter, filling it again. After I take a few sips, I hear a knock at the door.


I wake up to Andy smacking my face. "Styles, get the fuck up." He says.

I let out a groan. "What time is it?"

"A little after noon." He tells me. "How do ya feel?"

"Fine, I guess." I mumble and stand up from the couch. I make my way to the door and turn the knob. "I gotta go."

"That's what you said last night right before you passed out on the couch." He smirks.

"Shut up. I'll talk to ya later, man." I spit. Last night. Carly's probably pissed I stood her up. After shutting myself in my car and bringing it to life, I decide I should go apologize to her.

I pull into Riley's Diner and walk through the door. A pudgy woman is sitting behind the bar talking to an older man. I recognize her from the other day. I think her name was... Glenda or something.

I take a seat down at the counter and after a few minutes she makes her way over to me.

"Ahhh loverboy, what are you doing here?" She smiles.

"Looking for Carly... Is she here?" I ask while glancing around the diner. "And don't call me loverboy." I spit.

"Nope she has today off. How was the date last night?" She winks at me and smirks.

"It uhh- it didn't happen. I sorta stood her up. That's why I came, actually, ... to apologize." I stammer.

She shakes her head, a disappointed look spread across her face. "Carly's only lived here for a few months, she seems to like you. Please don't ruin it for her."

"Do you know where she is?" I press on, getting annoyed with this woman. I didn't stand her up on purpose, I passed out after a few drinks.

"No, she could be home... Maybe her mom's." She shrugs turns away and I stand up to leave.

I figured I'd check her place first, considering I have no idea which building or apartment number her mom is in. Realizing I don't know what apartment number Carly is in either, I remember her building and that's good enough.

When I arrive at Carly's building, I'm relieve to see her car still sitting in the lot. I walk to the administration office and am greeted by a short old lady.

"Hello, dear. How can I help you? Are you here to look at an apartment? Sign a lease?"

"No, actually I'm looking for a Carly... She lives in that building, there. I just don't know which apartment." I point my finger toward the building my car is parked in front of.

"I'm afraid I can't give that information to you." She tells me.

"Please, it's important." I beg. "Her mother is in the hospital and I can't get ahold of her." I lie. I want to fucking go off on this lady but I know she definitely wouldn't give me the apartment of I did.

"Oh, my." She gasps, pushing her glasses farther up the bridge of her nose. "That sounds quite serious."

"It is." I explain with desperation in my voice. I don't know why I'm so hooked over Carly... She's just-

"Carly was it?" She asks.

"Mmhm." I mumble. The little old lady has disappeared behind a desk and I hear her rummaging through a cabinet.

"Here it is. Apartment 45; 2nd floor." She glances over the file before shoving it back. "Tell her I said I hope her mother gets better." She smiles.

"I will. Thank you." I nod.

I step out if the office and walk to the building. I make my way up the stairs to Carly's apartment and pace back in forth in front of her door for several minutes.

"Fuck." I mumble. "Just do it." I raise my hand to knock on the door but quickly put it back down. What am I going to tell her?

'Oh, hey I stood you up because I was drinking with Andy and lost track of time'? I'm such an idiot.

Before I can stop myself, I knock on the door. It came out harder than I wanted it to and it sounded more of a pounding. Way to go, Harry.

She opens the door and I wonder if she looked through the peep hole. If she would've, she probably wouldn't of answered.

"Harry?" She mutters.

I push myself past her and close the door myself. She stands awkwardly in front if me and she looks absolutely perfect.

All at once, I take her hands in mine and hold them down at her sides. I inch closer to her until we're against the living room wall.

"Harry." She repeats. "What are you-"

I couldn't take it any longer. I cut her off by placing my lips against hers. This wasn't even close to what I had planned on doing when she opened the door. I was just going to apologize and probably come up with some shit excuse about not coming last night.

This was much better. Her lips tasted of wine and I took it all in.


I haven't really read over this, but I'll probably fix it later today. Anyway, please don't forget to vote and comment. I want to know what you're thinking! ❤️ ily guys.


I just put an emoji... Is this legal?

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