(2) Picture: Jasper More {Revised}

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Jasper's POV







And the one that hurt most of all,

'You're disgusting. No one will ever love you. Why don't you go drown yourself in a ditch?'

I feel a devastated sigh leave my lungs as I become aware of the sunlight streaming in through the bathroom window.

I felt my eyes begin to burn with unshed tears until the force became to much and I gave into the little bit of weakness, letting the tears overflow and drain down my cheeks. I sniffled and brushed my hand over the lines of wetness as I scanned the floor to see a large puddle of dried, sticky blood. My blood.

Disgust. It's the only word I could use to explain how I felt with myself. Images of my mum and dad, how they would react, the expressions on their faces. The pure disappointment. It all only made me cry harder until shudders racked my body.

Not five minutes later, my tear ducts ran dry as the Sahara.

I can do this, there will be more opportunities in the future. One more day won't be the end of the world.

With a determined grunt, I stood, cringing as my shirt stuck to the ground like super glue. With a jerk, I came undone and stood, relishing in the delightful pain in my arm. I filled the sink with warm water and a black, ripped cloth.

After years of... cleanup, I mastered the ways to be undetected. In slow, circular, scooping motions, I managed to get most of the blood from the floor to the sink. With one quick rinse, there was no trace of my nocturnal activities except for my six slashes on my arm which were easily covered by a long sleeved sweat shirt or hoodie and some of my bracelets.

I shook my head. Time to shower and get dressed. If I'm late to do my chores, Lena and Fill will have my hide as a carpet.

I disposed of my clothing and placed them in my hamper before turning the knob so it was teetering on the edge of scalding.

After washing my body so it smelt of nothing but Irish Spring-carful to pay special attention to

Maybe today wouldn't be as bad as normal. Maybe today would be one of my valued happy, good days. Then again, with my luck, probably not.

"Jasper. Jasper! JASPER! Get out of your room right now! There is a load of laundry sitting in the hamper with your name on it!" Came the shrill call of my guardian who was obviously climbing the stairs from the main floor.

I cringed as I imagined her red-rimmed eyes, watering from marihuana exposure and puffs of smoke spilling from her mouth as she banged on the door.

When I didn't reply, the banging began to increase before the sound of a body ramming the door echoed in my room.

"Get out here you worthless, useless boy!" She screamed. The banging continued until a large crash followed by a thump that was my door crashing against the cracked plaster of my bedroom wall.

Fear blossomed in my chest as I heard a groan of pain and the sound of my aunt Lena picking her plump form of the floor of my bedroom.

"Jasper!?" She screeched. The heavy sounds of footsteps stopped outside of my bathroom and the doorknob slowly turned.

Instantly, my mind went to those horror films were the main character is sitting alone in a room before the villain creeps through the door and slaughters them.

I scurried up, ignoring the pain in my arm and braced myself on the sink above me's cabinet and when the door swung open, banging off the wall, there was my fathers' adopted sister, standing in her bathrobe, fuming.

The proverbial smoke billowed from her ears that were positioned under a cluster of pink hair rollers that held her blonde hair up. A joint was positioned in between pink, papery lips that were coated in a thick layer of crimson lip stick and her blue eyes were rimmed with smudges of mascara, eyeliner and eye shadow.

"Why'd you not answer? I feed you, clothe you and give you a place to live! The least you can do is be thankful I don't throw you out onto the streets! Your parents would be so disappointed with the waste of space you are." As she glared at me, her plump hands gripped my shoulder tight enough to leave a bruise. The sweet scent of marijuana assaulted my senses along with the strong odor of cheap vodka.

After a few drinks, accompanied by heavy smoking, I knew it was best to be silent and let her do her thing. I established her method of 'kindness' a while ago.

With a loud crack, my head swung to the side. My cheek throbbed like it had just been hit with a two by four when in reality, it was simply my aunts palm. Another fist swung out and I mentally comprehended it just as it sent me falling to the ground. A gush of warmth flowed from my nose, over my mouth which was parted in a silent cry, over my chin and down my neck to the neckline of my shirt.

"I hate you, you good for nothing whore!" She growled as she pushed her leg out, watching with a satisfied grin as it connected with my ribs.

I whimpered, scrunching my eyes up tight and pulling my limbs against me in the formation of the feeble position in order to protect my now bruised ribs. I looped my hands over my head.

But it didn't stop the kicks that were landing on my head or my body.

"You little shit! You ruined my brothers life! You killed him! You deserve to rot in hell for what you did!" With each hurtful word she spat at me, her foot foot connected with me with extremely precise accuracy.

Bruises and cuts splattered my body, leaving me gasping at the immense pain but other then that, I tried my best to not let any sound escape my mouth.

Abruptly, the shots at me ceased. I waited a second before pulling my arms from my head.

That was my mistake. Exposing my head. Because as soon as it's guard was down, aunt Lena pulled back and reamed the front of her toe into my temple.

The last thing I saw before I blacked out was aunt Lena's panicked face.

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