(33) NEW: MARCH 17

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Jasper's POV

Pregnant. I'm going to be a daddy. I'm currently harbouring Beau's baby.

How was this possible? I'm a boy. In fact, I'm pretty sure of that.

A warm blush warmed my cheeks. Oh, was I sure of that and I'm quite positive that Beau is too... But if he is sure, I trust him.

'But oh my gosh, I'm very excited! I'm having Beau's babies', I though as I laid down on the couch and pulled my shirt up to my bruised nipples. I stared down at my still belly. But now it was flat, not slightly concaved.

There is quite possibly more then one baby in there... I pursed my lips.

Was I ready to be a parent? Was Beau and I ready as a couple? Sure we were made for each other and now that we were mated, it was literally death till us part, but we've only been together for under half a year. It's been five months...

But we love each other and that will never fade. I would die for him and I know he would do the same for me.

The look of adoration I receive every single time I look into his eyes is enough to show me his feelings are mirrored to my own.

I love him and he loves me. And we'll both love our babies and that's all that matters.

Hm, now what am I having for my snacky? Some meat would be nice... Mm, a raw steak...

Ew, why would I want that? I don't even like meat all that much! Much less a disgustingly raw, bloody, dripping steak with a twice baked potato and broccoli... Oh my bejesus.

My tummy rumbled harshly and I couldn't stop myself. I shushed my tummy before sending it a firm look to portray my disdain for the unnecessary noise when the knob to the room shock before opening to revel my mates fellow spawn.

"Hey, baby boy. Ho-," Kira stopped in her tracks, ruffling her nose and sniffing loudly. "Jasper?"

She stalked towards me with a funny look on her face. She rounded the couch and then sat down on her knees before leaning over me and sniffing my stomach.

"Preggo's," she murmured. "Why do you smell like a pregnant woman? Who's pregnant? And what the hell are you doing?"

I assume the last of that part was referring to the fact that I was currently staring intently at my pale belly which was adorned with a hickey's over my nips.

"I-," how do I explain this? "I am pregnant. Beau woke up and was sniffing me and then he told me he wanted to introduce me to someone. Then we went on a really pretty walk in the snow! It' was a lot of fun! Then we went into a dark place underground and the creepy man said he heard  heart beats! Beau is super excited and so am I! He's in the kitchen making me a snack now!"

Just as I finished, I heard the door to the living room open. "Kira," Beau greeted with a nod.

"Really? That's the greeting I get? I'm about to be a mother fucking auntie! Oh my goddess! I lost hope but now! I get a niece or nephew!" She cheered, jumping of the couch and running to Beau before trying to jumping on him.

Beau's eyes widened dramatically as he dodged his rambunctious sisters attempts.

'Oh goody, he saved my snack!' I thought to myself as I took in the cranberry juice, petite blocks of cheese, turkey sausage and crackers with an orange already cut into slices.


"Actually, there's more then one according to Mr. Vampy. I just told Nick to order in the machines  needed to monitor our pregnancy because Jasper's a human and won't have the connection with the fetus' like a normal she wolf would."

"Oh. My. Fucking. Goddess," she said, completely stilled by the new development. "There's more then one?! Can I have one?!"

Beau growled loudly, enough to make the windows shake and the glasses to rumble. "You will not touch my offspring! They are mine!"

I looked at Beau, who had gone tense and looked absolutely deadly. As in murderous. To the point that I feared for Kira.

So I took it upon me to save her life and Beau from the future. I rose from the couch and stepped towards him. "Beau, darling, Kira wasn't being literal. She was just showing how much she'll love our babies as well. She will protect and care for them as well."

"Yeah, I didn't mean anything about it. Their all yours. Not mine, yours. Goddammit! I'm so stupid! All new wolf fathers are extremely possessive over their young and their mate! Stupid, stupid, stupid!" Kira exclaimed, trying to aid my attempts at calming my raging mate down.

I smoothed my hands over his tense muscles, kneading the knots and pressing kisses against his strong, delicious biceps that keep me safe and hold me against things as he-

'Oh my," I thought to myself as a strong heat overwhelmed my core. A dull ache that taken to throbbing and my privates hardened against the seam of my Levi's.

"Beau," I shuddered, collapsing into his body. His masculine arms wrapped around me in order to keep me from falling to the floor.

"I'm just going to go," Kira said but I barley registered. Actually, at this particular point, I don't give the furry tush of a rats behind as to where we are or who we're with as long as I'm on the receiving end of a certain extremity of Beau's within the next thirty seconds.

The door closed and the next thing I knew, I was pushing Beau backwards into the couch. I pushed him down and then I took my rightful place upon his lap. My hands found the soft Ruffles of his coal-like hair and fisted my hands in them.

"What's this," I panted. "I thought my heat was over."

Beau punched his hips into mine and I saw stars as his glorious manhood rubbed perfectly against my own.

"Your hormones are levelling out," Beau answered with a moan as I ground down on his raging hard on. "Unlike human pregnancies, wolves last four and a half months. You are human but your having wolf pups so your body needs to adapt to the change. Not only that, but your a male and your body is going through some changes. Your hormones are going to be berserk for a while. You'll also have all the human symptoms of pregnancy."

"I want you so bad," I mewed against his throat as I nuzzled and bite the skin of his neck between my teeth.

"Fuck, I love it when your like this. You're so damn seductive."


As I laid panting on top of my bare chested mate, I couldn't think of anything besides how lucky I am to have him and to be blessed with our fetus'.

Well, that and the snack that laid abandoned on the coffee table.

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