(23) {Revised}

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Jasper's POV

Waves of left over bliss washed over me as I waited for my answer. He had froze, his comforting stare analyzing me.

"What makes you ask that?" There was no accusation, simply curiosity.

"You keep calling me mate. At first I thought you had a relation to Australia but then your teeth. Just now. They were longer then usual and super sharp. And you kept growling..." I said. I almost expected to be scared but then I think of Beau. Had he ever hurt me? No. So why would he start now?

He started to talk then cut out before trying again. Finally, he seemed to decide on an approach.

"Do you remember what my favourite animal was?"

I felt puzzled. What did that have to do with my question. "Yes, it was a wolf."

"Well, the reason wasn't as simple as what I made it out to be. Yes, I do admire the traits of a wolf, but I have a connection with them."


He placed a finger on my lips. "I'm sorry, I just need you to listen for a moment. How about when I'm done, you can ask me anything you want?"

"Okay," I smiled at him before curling into his side, my heated flesh meeting his bare torso.

"I'm going to start at the beginning. It began with a small town in Greece called 'Lupe'. They were violent by nature due to being on the boarder of Greece and Rome and suffering many attacks. One day on a hunting party, they stumbled across a silver wolf with glimmering emeralds for eyes. After hunting it for days, they finally caught it with a net. Just as they were about to smite it, the leader of the village ceased the act. He ordered it to be released and when they freed it, it shifted into a bright light before taking form in a beautiful maiden. She identified herself as the Goddess of the hunt Artemis.

She said she would reward them for their mercy before disappearing. The next day at village gathering, she took form in a fire, gifting them with the ability to shift from human to wolf.

The village concurred all; famines, attacks, hunting. Soon the power went to their heads. They depleted the natural habitats and soon Selene had enough. She consulted with Artemis deciding on a proper punishment. Together they decided on a gift and a curse. They took half the sole of each lycan and hid one half. Only when they earned it, would they ever be complete for life and share the remainder of their lives on earth together with their perfect match."


"And I'm a direct purebred descendent, making me an Alpha of one of the largest packs on the western continent."




"Can I get another answer beside 'oh' and 'mhmm'?" He tried to coax.

Holy donuts. How do I react? Am I aloud to panic? Has he told me this before? Is he really a...a...a hairy wolf? Only one way to find out. The results of the next ten minute will depict which one of us is insane.

"May I s-see-e it?"

"See what, my wolf?" He asked carefully, sitting up. As he sat up, the covers drifted off the planes of his sculpted chest, over perk nipples and down the expanse of his muscled abs that were sectioned into eight. My eyes greedily followed it until I reached the taunting trail of gold leading from his belly button to the top of his jeans.

He certainly doesn't look like a hairy wolf... But then again, what was I expecting? Fangs, claws, red eyes with wolf ears and excessive amounts of body hair?

"Are you sure? It can be kind of... Intimidating..."

"I'm sure," I said firmly with a strong nod. He probably wouldn't be able to show me in the room (as big as it is), so we would need to go outside which means I need to change out of my PJ's...

I slid up and stretched with a long yawn, rolling out my shoulders and stretching my arms. A blush splayed across my cheeks as I looked down to see dark bruises all over my torso in the shapes of small circles.

Then I realized, my pants we across the room, hanging off the back of a chair.

"Hey, B-Beau-u? Coul-ld you mayb-be get-t m-my pa-ants?"


The sapphire sky twinkled with bright stars and a cool breeze of fall whispered through the air. I breathed in a deep gust of air before a large smile bloomed on my face.

Suddenly, Beau gently tugged my arm. "Here, Baby. Now, no matter what, I need you to try and stay calm. That means no running and an open mind."

I nodded. Gotta be calm. Gotta be calm. Gotta be calm.

Beau stood in front of me and gripped the bottom of his shirt, peeling it up over his head.

A spike of jealousy burnt through me. What of someone sees him?

My eyes widened at the thought. He's not mine, I can't say a thing about it. By the time I came forth from my thoughts, his pants were off and the thin spandex-like fabric spanned around his thick, muscular thighs and large package.

He chuckled and I raised my gaze to his eyes. I felt my blush burn across my skin. "Sorry."

I felt him grab my torso, encasing me in a cask of pure, naked Beau. "It's yours, Baby," he husked in my ear, it warming under his hot, minty breath.

I sucked in a short gasp of air. Mine?

"What do you mean?" I asked, a burning need to understand him flaring through my mind.


Then, right before my unbelieving eyes, his body began to morph into one of a wolves.

Oh my gosh, he's beautiful. Pitch black, bigger then a small horse. I stood there stunned. I stood there for who knows how long.

Beau's gleaming eyes stared back at me through mounds of black fur.

"Beau?" I whispered softly, my tone saturated in awe. A soft exhaling noise came from his muzzle with a twitch of his head before he rubbed his nose along my neck. His rough tongue glided along my neck, making a low moan fall from my lips.

And my blush came back.


A soft whine came from his chest.

Oh my gosh. He was a wolf. A living, breathing wolf who could shift between an animal and a human man.

"Ca-an y-you Sh-shift back?" I asked weakly. My knees felt weak. I was just about to crumble when his body braced behind me, letting me down softly to he forest ground.

"Jasper? Are you all right?"

"Yup," I said, "just give me a moment."

Arms pulled me into a warm body, my back to his front.

"Would you like to ask me any questions?" He said in my ear.

A shiver ran the length of my spine.

"You said you were mine. What did you mean by that?"

"Right into the serious topic, huh? Well, remember how Selene and Artemis took half the sole of each lycan and hid one half? And only when they earned it, would they ever be complete for life and share the remainder of their lives on earth together with their perfect match? We call them our 'mates'. Our mates make our life worth living."

"Oh," I paused. The next question I had for him made me feel sick. "D-o you-u ha-ave a m-at-te?"

"Yes I do," he answered with a gentle and fantasizing voice.

I felt sick. So sick, I could feel bile rising in my throat. My breath began to enter and leave me faster and faster until my head felt light and woozy.

"Calm down! Sh, it's alright. Your my mate." Beau rubbed soft, comforting circles on my back.


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