(5) Picture: Beau Emery {Revised}

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Beau's POV

I pushed my body faster, pure power and force rippling through my horizontal spine as my knife-like claws turned up the earth beneath my paws. A loud chortle left my chest as I looked back to see my best friend and beta, Landon, struggling to keep up with my gamma, Tyler, falling behind by meters.

Through the tall, eire tree's soaked in darkness, glimpses of the silver moon caught my yellow eyes. Pants of air puffed in and out of my lungs in slow, controlled breaths as I pounced over the fallen logs and ducked under the low branches.

Lately, runs like this have become a rare thing. With attacks on my pack and my pack members rising by the day, I'm always poised to attack ready to defend at all costs.

Things have been pretty clear for the last couple of days so I raised the security and designated the elders, children and woman to the center of the territory before taking my break but remaining close.

Behind me, Tyler let out a howl and I slowed to a jog, letting the men behind me catch up. With chests heaving and whimpers leaving their muzzles, they collapsed on the ground and rolled onto their backs.

My bones snapped as they broke and rearranged. When I first shifted, this hurt like a crazy ass bitch but now it's like breathing; natural.

My jet black hair retracted to reveal hard and tanned muscles as my spine realigned and I sat on my haunches. Next, my muzzle sank back into my face and lastly, my teeth retracted into my gums.

"Bitch!" Landon wheezed as he continued to pant like a dog. His blond hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat and one hand was splayed across his eyes while the other was pushed out on the ground.

I chuckled as I glanced at the pair. Tyler seemed to go mute, not having a word to say as he laid face down in the dew covered ground.

"You're loosing your touch my friend," I grinned as I raised my hands over my head and leisurely stretched, trying to push all thoughts of invasion, attacks and rogues as I bathed in the sun.

"Dude, put it away. Your flapping in the breeze," Tyler mumbled, not bothering to move.

"Jealousy is a bitch," I countered. Being werewolves, nudity isn't necessarily the top priority considering when you shift, your clothes don't magically appear on you and sometimes, carrying clothes in your mouth just seems less enjoyable. Really, you don't need to be modest when you know you are like a mammoths' trunk down there.

"What the hell was up with the freaking Flash sprint?" Landon grumbled as he reluctantly stood to a full hight of six foot three, which was slightly dwarfed by my height of six foot seven.

"Just letting loose," I smirked as the breeze picked up. As I inhaled the new scents though, the smell of decay and musk assaulted my scenes. Rouge.

"Tyler, Landon. We're going on a hunt," I growled as I felt my eyes swap blue to indigo. I leaped up and halfway to the ground, my wolf shredded through my skin. Not a second later, I was sprinting in the direction of the putrid smell not bothering to care about wether Tyler and Landon were keeping up or not.

Through the tall, eire tree's soaked in morning light, glimpses of the golden sun caught my indigo eyes. Pants of air puffed in and out of my lungs in slow, controlled breaths as I pounced over the fallen logs and ducked under the low branches.

I stuck my nose in the air, keeping on the rogues' path as we neared the edge of Ravens Port. Although the scent was old, it's still worth the hunt to guarantee my packs safety. As I neared the large buildings, we slid between them until we reached a cross road. I stopped and sniffed. The smell was faint and weak meaning the rogue had passed a while ago and he or she was only a Dem- a wolf who was half human.

The scent led to the left, around an old abandoned theater that was shut down for rat infestation about three years ago.

Suddenly, a delicious scent of sweet peppermint wafted in my nose. A vicious growl tore out of me.


Tyler and Landon took a step forward but I snapped my jaw at them, warning them back. I stuck my nose to the ground and tracked the wonderful scent of my mate.

The scent grew stronger and stronger until it seemed to be emanating from behind the large ally.

I shifted to human form, bones snapping into place and fur retracting into my skin as I hunted for my mate. I let my eyes pick every single part of the crevice apart and when I came up empty, I noticed the lid of the dumpster was off.

I slowly crept to the disgustingly smelly box and poked my head over the side. The overwhelming scent of decay and rot burned my nose but the smell of peppermint was strongest here. I scanned the trash until I saw a black duffle bag in the corner.

My heart beat in my throat as my breathing hitched. "Tyler! Landon! Get over here!"

I thrust my leg over the side and shifted the rest of my weight so I was fully in the green dumpster. I lurched forward until I gripped the handles.

The faint sound of a heart beating echoed in my ears.

Oh fucking shit! I thought as I pulled the metal zipper, down to reveal the most disturbing image I have ever seen in my life; brown hair turned black with blood which was plastered to the angelic, pixie like face of none other then my mate.

My wolf paced in my mind, anger, fear and excitement oozing off him in waves.

Possessiveness flowed through me and I felt the need to hang whoever did this like a piñata so I could rip his or hers throat out with my teeth then continue to gut them like the livestock they are.

As I continued to pull down the zipper along its tracks, my mates broken nose could be seen followed by a busted lip. Bruises littered my beautiful mates face until you could badly see the pale white skin behind them.

I inhaled my mates sweet scent again and notice there was a boy-like musk to him.

"Holy shit," Tyler said, his mouth agape and a look of horror on his face.

Something inside me snapped and I felt an immense feeling of fear creep upon me. Without even knowing my mates name, the pale, brown haired teen was now was my world, that I knew for sure due to the fact of him being for me the one thing all people, mortal and immortal alike long for.

Then I noticed the puddle of red seeping out of the bag around him, the stench of death emanating from he still form and the barely there movement of my mates chest as he struggled to inhale and exhale withdrawn and every shallow breath.

My blue eyes widened as my breathing halted.

Yes, he was indeed the source of the heavenly scent. He was defiantly my mate . But at this moment, the internal joy I felt was crushed with fear at the thought at loosing him before I even had the privilege to know him.

I felt a terror like no other. Everything about me was screaming to focus on saving the boy whatever the price.

Not wasting another beat of his precious heart nor a second of the fading darkness, I pushed my hands under his frightfully thin and boney body, lifting him from the bag and into my muscular chest.

The sparks that ignited every time my skin brushed against his fading warmth sent jolts down my spine.

"Tyler, run ahead and tell Lisa to prepare the infirmary and have it ready ASAP!" My order laced with the Alpha tone which made it impossible to ignore.

He nodded and took of like a bat out of hell as I hopped out of the dumpster and onto the pavement, my mate close to my chest and followed behind him, not as fast in order to not jostle my precious boy in my arms.

Already, the love I had for him was shocking.

"Hold on, baby."

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