(19) Picture: Lake View {Revised/ending changed}

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Jasper's POV

The car was completely silent except for the low buzz of some song on the radio. This was the first time I've been out in a while and instead of watching the pale pinkish orange sun setting, flashes of our 'encounter' were playing through my mind like movie reel.

I couldn't even look at him without a blush spreading across my cheeks. Despite that fact, I snuck a look at him out of my peripheral vision to see his eyes constantly focused on the road, completely relaxed.

His hair was messy like he just got out of bed and his blue eyes would grow darker then lighter when passing cars drove by.

As the images flooded my head, I felt very embarrassed and that embarrassment sill has not even begone to fade. Why did he stick his mouth on... That?

A new wave of blush overwhelmed my cheeks. The heat I was feeling was becoming too much...

He had on a tight black shirt that you could see defined muscles through. It clung to his abdominals and to his tree trunk like biceps.

I bit my lip. He looked absolutely gorgeous.

The more I thought about him the more my mind trailed back...


Don't think of that in the car!

But it was to late all of the memories had left the front of my pants pressed against my happy extremity and I took in a shuddered breath.

I heard a deep inhale from next to me and I looked up to see Beau breathing thickly. He had a tight enough grip on the steering wheel that his knuckles were white. His eyes were darkening.

But then he cleared his throat and then asked:

"May I ask what's on your mind? You've been completely zoned out for the last couple of minutes."

"Huh? Oh, um nothing m-much."

"But there is something?"

"Uh huh," I hummed and focused on the passing lights of the close by town. The streets were dim yet buzzing even though it was past seven at night.

"So would you like to tell me? Because I'm simmering with anticipation over here." He cast me a smart look and I giggled, almost considering... Until my mind cleared and I violently shook my head no with my eyes wide open.

He barked out a laugh and grabbed my hand in his. A blush spread across my face.

"You know you look beautiful when you blush?" He grinned. "But I can think of a time when you're even more gorgeous..."

"Y-You-You can't-t s-say th-that!" I sputtered, pulling my hand back and watching him with wide eyes.

The towns lights were becoming more sparse the further we travelled until we were completely out of civilization.

Large thick trees lined the road. The nature was so calming. We approached a dirt road and then we took a sharp left and then slowed to a stop.

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked quietly not that I believed Beau could ever hurt me but Kiera had made me watch Dateline with her...

He laughed and then opened the door, shutting it with a slam. I watched him as he stepped around the front of the sleek SUV and to my door before opening it.

I casted him a dry look.

"I'm not a girl!" I chastised and then internally slapped my forehead for sounding so feminine.

"No you are not, but you are about a third of my size. That, and I would feel like less of a man for allowing you to open your own door."

"Hmph," I pouted but I let Beau help me out of the car. The tingles were still there, radiating up my arms.

"So this is a park my mum and dad used to take me too. It's the most beautiful view that you will ever experience... I have a bunch of happy memories here and I'd like to form a couple of new ones with you..."

I was speechless. Heat blossomed in my chest. I felt a thick ball form in my throat so all I could do was grab for him. I ended up pulling myself to him rather then the other way around but my intentions came through as I attempted to wrap my flimsy arms all the way around his glorious torso.

I buried my face into his sternum and tried my best to convey the feelings I felt towards him in that very moment.

Happiness, belonging, care and... And...

By the end of the night, I knew that I was beginning to fall for Beau Emery.


We stood on an embankment, overlooking the entirety of the lake. Rich hues of purple and pink with streaks of orange made up the sky. Pine trees were mirrored in the rippling lake as well as a lone mountain.

As we stood together, lilac as well as tall green grass swayed in the breeze, tickling my ankles.

A soft giggle escaped me causing Beau to glance down at me with a smile that took my breath away.

"So, what do you think?" He said softly, swiping a loose strand of hair away from my face.

"It's so beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here," I whispered back. The surroundings were so serine. I never wanted this moment to end.

Beau pulled his lip into his mouth before releasing it and bending forwards. I watched as his mouth descended to mine in almost slow motion.

As soon as his lips touched mine, I became completely engrossed in all that was Beau.

From his tendency to swipe his hand through his hair to the way his eyes crinkled when he laughed. From the way he was so caring towards me to the way he was so protective.

Beau made me feel so loved and cared for.

And at that moment, I knew that I would do whatever I could return the feeling.

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