(10) {Revised}

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Jasper's POV

Pain. It radiated through my body like continuous electric shock waves making everything feel like a numb ache.

I gasped in a fresh breath of air into my wanting lungs and they burned as the air filled them to the point of bursting.

"Holy fucking shit."

My eyes widened as my head shot towards the source of the sound at a speed that could have given me a case of whiplash. A low whimper escaped me as I twisted towards them and brought my knees to my chest. I scooted back another couple inches but as I placed my hands down, they missed whatever I was on and I fell back, crashing to the ground below me.

"Ah!" I hissed in as I placed my hand on my throbbing backside. Suddenly, three pairs of hands were reaching for me and I panicked.

"D-d-d-don't t-t-touch m-me," I pleaded as I curled into the wall.

"Shh, baby," a warm voice that appealed to my senses cooed with a tone of awe as a big hand lightly dusted over my shoulder, leaving a deliciously tingly tail of what felt like stars in its wake. I tensed and let out a small whine.

The intimidating yet comforting presence behind me rose, the sound of tight denim retracting confirming this. "Please leave and allow me and my... Mate our privacy."

A low murmur of submission from the others sounded before the soft click of the door opening and shoes shuffling out echoed in the room.

And what did he mean by 'mate'?

All was silent for a few minutes, the air tense with tension until the large man broke it like a shattering vase.

"My name is Beau... Beau Emery..." He trailed off softly, the look of amazement in his eyes not fading one bit.

When I didn't respond, he continued. "Can you tell me your name?"

Do I tell him? Who is he? Why do I feel... Safe in his presence? "J-Jasper-r-r," I mumbled, still not clearing him as a potential threat. A few seconds passed of silence.

"Jasper," the man- Beau- rolled of his tongue as if seeing how the word tasted.

I lowered the protective arm I had positioned over my head to see a living god. Shimmering black hair that glistened in the dim light the candles were giving off that resembled an eagles nest and hung in the most vibrant violet eyes. The contrast of his hair and eyes against the taught, bronze skin.

Upon further inspection though, a shade of stubble covered his strong jaw and chin. Dark bags under his eyes stood out against the skin.

As I trailed my eyes over the man braced on the wall, propped against it by his broader then broad shoulders, a small smirk played his lips while his eyes shone with happiness but he shook his head while chuckling, not calling me out for my anything but subtle admiration of his flawless body.

"Do you know what happened?" Beau asked softly while brushing up his hair in the front of his head.

I was shocked at this because as I thought back, it was a blank. Nothing. Just darkness. How did I end up here? Where was here exactly? Then again, did I live here before? Nothing seemed to make sense anymore...

I shook my head at him, tears welling up in my eyes.

His eyes softened as he crouched down in front of me, bringing his warm, calloused hand to my cheek, splaying his fingers along my jaw and tracing my bottom lip with the tip of his thumb.

I gasped in a breath as the incessant sparks traveled from my lips to my body, building up a heat that warmed me and made me feel as though the safest place in the world was glued to the side of this mans body.

Beau's purple eyes dilated and his tongue swiped out to lick his bottom lip before the pupils of his eyes began to expand until most of the purple was gone except a small ring.

I felt my eyes widen but his eyes clamped shit and his nostrils flared before I could decide wether or not the change actually happened or if it was my imagination.

"I'll have a room made up for you but until then, do you want something to eat?" Beau said in a slightly strained voice.

It was then that my stomach decided to make its wishes known with a loud rumble. A warmth spread across my cheeks.

He smiled and chuckled. "Come on then. I'll show you the bathroom so you can wash up and I'll have someone drop off some knew clothing for you to wear and a towel. "

I simply nodded. He seemed harmless enough.

He wrapped his hands around my skinny, muscleless biceps that made me feel completely and utterly self conscious in the presence of the gorgeous wall of thick biceps, triceps, pecs and abs and lifted me up like I was the weight of a pillow.

Well what the hell?

He set me on my feet and grinned, seemingly proud of himself as he led me to the door. Just as I was about to leave, I glanced back into the dim room and saw what seemed to be a... shrine? Newly set flowers were surrounding the bed I was on and candles lit with flickering flames danced on the walls.

Confusion weighted heavily on my mind. Why was such an elaborate setup displayed around my bed?

"You coming, Jas?" Beau asked teasingly from the end of the hall of doors.

I nodded and scampered to keep up, ignoring the throb in the side of my bum. He waited until I was next to him to pull me under his arm and into his warm body.

I should feel uneased by him. Scarred because of how his touches don't scare me but attract me like a moth to flame. I shivered but remained as he led me down the dark blue hall that was decorated with wall lanterns in between light oak doors and pictures of intimidating men, regal woman, scarily giant wolves and battles depicting wolves against wolves underneath them.

"Here we are," Beau said, coming to a stop in front of a large door with the word ALPHA labeled in gold.

"What does 'Alpha' mean?" I asked, pointing to it.

"Uh, nothing. Just a... nickname I was given a little while ago," he mumbled, opening the door to reveal a blood red room with black furniture and clothing littered the room's floor and anything that would hold them up.

I raised an eyebrow. "Sloppy much?" When I looked back up to him, I saw a faint blush across his face.

"I, ah. I haven't cleaned up in a while. Crap came up and well, I didn't have time plus, I um. Wasn't exactly expecting you to wak- uh, show up..." He exclaimed defensively, furrowing his eyebrows and unhooking his arm from around me to put them up In a surrendering fashion.

I rolled my eyes, feeling fairly comfortable with him.

"Bathroom's over there," Beau directed as he bent over to pick op a pair of black boxers that I could not help but chuckle slightly at the blush that bloomed in his cheeks and I went to the bathroom to see the most shocking sight: white.

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