(11) {Revised}

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Jasper's POV

White. It looked as though someone stuck a heavy duty vacuum cleaner on my head and sucked all the pigment out of my body.

My hair was now white. Like, white as snow. My skin wasn't far behind with only pink under my cheeks. The only thing that didn't look like I bathed in flour were my eyes. Once a shade of brown, they were now blue. A vibrant blue that looked like a piece of the sky.

I gasped, complete shock overwhelming me. I raised a hand to brush away some of the strands that had fallen into my eerily flawless face. No scars from accidents or acne could bee seen. Just milky white skin with a pink blush underneath and a light shimmer to it.

I though back to try and think of when this... Transformation occurred. But... Nothing came to mind. I could feel it there, it's just as though it was evading me.

"Jas? Are you all right?" Beau asked, worriedly. I heard the sound of feet moving towards the door before I found my voice and called out,

"Y-yeah. Just, um. Yeah, I'm good!" My voice cracked halfway through.

"Okay, just checking. I have the towels and extra clothing here for you. Do you want now? Or after your shower?"

A blush warmed my cheeks and I cleared my throat. "Now please."

Not a second later, the door slowly creaked open and I turned to see Beau holding a fluffy white towel, and a small stack of clothing that looked to consist of a red hoodie and grey sweatpants.

I took another look in the mirror. I looked so feminine. With my slight build, I hardly have the body of a sixteen year old male. Five-foot-two in hight and eighty-four pounds.

I'm pathetic.

I gripped the hem of my oversized t-shirt. This was defiantly not mine. Was it Beau's? It looked like it would fit him barely.

Instantly, the imaginary picture of him in those black boxers came to mind. His tree trunk-like legs wrapped tightly in the stretchy black fabric, the dark grey shirt clinging to his well muscled chest.

What was I doing? I haven't known the man in room behind me for more then thirty minutes. Why was I thinking that about him? I've never so much as looked at another person with interest much less a guy.

Was I gay?

I sighed. Well, even if I am, there is no way on this green earth that he would be too. And even if he was, he would defiantly not be remotely interested in me. I would be millions of levels out of his league.

I finished pulling off my shirt to reveal a pale, boney chest, ribs poking out from under my skin, my collar bones like pointed twigs sprouting out of my shoulders followed by skidding my pants over my thin legs, hips protruding out the sides of my skin that was stretched tight to accommodate the sharp bones.

I walked to the glass shower after checking out the lock to make sure it was indeed locked. This glass shower was making me paranoid someone- mostly Beau- would walk in and see my me while I was showering.

I opened the door and twisted the nozzle until the cold water shooting out was on the verge of being boiling hot before stepping in and revelling in the heat that washed over my skin in waves of heat, relaxing my stiff muscles into a state of relaxation.

I took a step out of the raining water and brushed the excess water of my head and eyes then scanned the shelves for something to wash with until seeing a bottle of Pantene© and using the pump to skirt some of the sweet smelling gel into my palm before rubbing it into my hair.

After rinsing the 2in1 shampoo and conditioner out, I looked for something to wash my body with, settling on one of the bottles of Axe: Apollo©.

When I stepped out of the shower, I wrapped the white towel around my body and dried the water off.

I picked up the corner of the hoodie and lifted it up, letting it roll out. It would be a large fit, but it would cover me none the less. The pants were another story though. They'd fit slim and I was happy about that until I saw the tag. Womans' size XS.

Ouch. So I look as small as I feel. Well, that's emasculating.

After dressing, I left the bathroom and entered the room to see it was relatively clean. The black duvet was laid out on the mattress with military precision. The clothing that was littered on the floor was put into a pile by the door. The couch positioned in front of the 72" TV connected to game consoles of all sorts was straight in line.

"Good job," I praised as I watched his hulking body closing the closet. It was then I realized just how tall he is. My estimate would be six foot five, around two hundred twenty pounds of pure, taut muscle.

When he turned, a smile graced his face. "Thanks. So, are you hungry?"


As I sat down on a tall, padded stool behind the island in the middle of the stainless steel kitchen, I watched as Beau opened the refrigerator and scan the shelves.

"So Jazzy," a warm blush spread across my cheeks and I looked down at my intwined hands on the counter. "What are your favourite foods? I'm pretty sure Lisa will have them somewhere in here."

My brows furrowed. I had come to the conclusion I lived here before. If he doesn't know what I like, then that means either we never talked -which I can highly believe- or I randomly woke up here. But why do I feel extremely comfortable with him?

"Beau, what happened before I woke up?"

He came to a complete stop and his strong, broad shoulders tensed slightly. "Ah, you were... Found... In outside. Someone beat you up and you were unconscious."

My breath hitched in my throat as jagged images of blows and kicks and hits to my torso flitted like a cut movie through my head.

My palms began to feel sweaty and clammy, my heart began to throb almost painfully in my chest. I gasped.

It felt like someone punched me in the gut and suddenly everything felt tight. The oversized tee shirt felt like it was restraining my and suffocating me.

A strong wave of dizziness clouded my mind.

The air in my lungs rushed out and I panicked, falling backwards out of my chair.

Suddenly, hands clamped down on my biceps. Panic filled me to the brim as I thrashed and kicked, trying to evade my assaulter.

My breath wouldn't leave nor invade my lungs. A large body fell over mine, thick thighs clamping down on my hips, a hard torso over my own and hands pinning my hands over my head.

"Shh, baby. Calm down. Come on. You're safe," a warm, comforting voice cooed in my ears.

My vision un tunnelled to see Beau's body pressed tightly over my own. I sucked in a deep breath in order to calm myself down.

What just happened?

"Are you good now, Jazzy?" Beau breathed, his warm, minty scented breath fanning over my flustered cheeks.

Tingles spread through my body like tiny, pleasurable electrical currents.

It was then that I looked into his eyes.

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