(22) {Revised}

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Jasper's POV

I jerked awake in a cold sweat, my bland white hair sticking to my face and my blue eyes wide with terror. The marking on my back was tingling causing me to shudder in discomfort.

I was back in Beau's room. The windows were dark, only illuminated by the calming beams of the moon perched outside.

'Not yet, my Darling. Not yet...'

My head shot to the window. That voice, it was so calm, serene. Absolutely perfect. I felt a connection to it but not like the connection I felt to Beau, no. This connection was like a anchor, keeping me I place while Beau was like a support beam keeping me up so I don't fall into the pits of insanity.

As soon as my heart beat settled, I felt the mind numbing tingles that had become families to me ever since I became attached to Beau.

But tonight they seemed to increase in feeling slowly, growing from a sensation as light as a feather to something more electrifying.

A low whimper left me as I felt something I had only felt once before with Beau. The tightness that spread in my abdomen and the sensitivity of the skin on my shaft forced me to squirm.

What was this feeling?

I felt a warm arm around me and a families presence against my back. I ground back again, rubbing against Beau's front until I felt something... hard dig into me.

But instead of feeling self conscious or even embarrassed, the feeling increased my own.

Suddenly, the feeling of none of his skin touching mine drove me crazy. I rolled around so I was facing Beau's sleeping form on the bed with the covers over top of us before I plastered myself to his front, trying to obtain as much friction as possible.

"Jazy?" Beau ask breathily, subconsciously rocking to meet my body.

"B-Beau," I panted, grabbing handfuls of his shirt. "It won't stop. Please help me! I want you to help me."

Beau's POV

B-Beau," He panted, grabbing handfuls of my blue muscle shirt. "It won't stop. Please help me! I want you to help me."

Oh god.

I could feel my wolf responding to his mates need like a predator hunting his prey. He wanted nothing more then to slam him down on the bed and mount Jasper's tiny body like a cat in heat.

With the full moon so close, his control over my body was becoming stronger and Jasper's heat was starting so I was reacting to it.

Suddenly I felt pressure between my thighs. I was just about pull away so my control would come back if even only a bit but then the pressure began to move.

One of Jasper's tiny thighs had wedged itself between my knees and my rod before rocking.

The friction felt so good, I could just imagine him on his stomach, clenching the sheets as I drove into his ass, him screaming in pleasure.

But no, our relationship wasn't ready for that and this was defiantly not the time-

"Ah," he moaned as he ground his hard erection on the top of my thigh.


I felt my control slip just enough for my wolf to slip through and take over. My canines extended, sharp as kitchen knives ready for the binding bite that would partially bind us as mates for the rest of our lives.

Before he could even blink, my body had Jasper's straining one beneath me.

"You smell so sweet, my precious mate!" I dragged my nose along his throat and up his jaw. He arched his back, thrusting his neck to my jaw unconsciously waiting for my canines to latch onto his succulent neck where his mouth watering scent was strongest. 

I licked up his chin and to the corner of his mouth. "Delicious," I said huskily in his ear. Before sucking it into my mouth and nibbling on the chewy flesh.

A high pitched moan left him as he thrusted up into my body.

"M-m-more!" He cried out.

A smirk crept over my lips that belonged on his body. "As you wish."

I leaned back and he pouted with tears in his blue eyes. I dragged my hands over his frail body before tucking them under his shirt and ripping it in two with one mighty pull.

With his white torso and perk, pink nipples barred to me, lust coursed through my veins.

"God, I want you so much," I whispered to him as I circled the perk bud with my finger tips.

"More!" He ordered.

And who was I to deny?

I dove in, encasing the nipple in my mouth, sucking and biting the sensitive flesh as I trailed my hands over his ribs and to his waist where I gave it a squeeze just to feel his flesh on my hands.

He felt so smooth and soft.

I switched nipples as to not leave it unattended to. The whimpers and moans leaving his mouth were the best type of music.

My own arousal throbbed painfully against the inside of my pants. I reached down to open the top button. Instantly, the head of my shaft popped out, purple and angry and a little bit of relief satisfied me for the time being.

Now, I just had to get his pants off... I trailed my hands down to his hips and gripped the loose fabric. With one single yank, they were off and I carelessly threw them onto the floor.

His whole body was bared to me for the first time and I couldn't get enough of it. My greedy eyes took in his small length which was straining against his skinny stomach, waiting for my touch.

I reached down and grabbed him. "This is mine," I whispered hotly. I trailed my hands along his hip to his ass. "This is mine."

And that's when I dove in to claims his lips with mine. "These are mine." I forced my tongue into his, trailing it along his and sucking roughly.

I fisted his length, him a moaning mess beneath me. "And each one of those moans are mine."

"I love you, Baby," I cooed before sucking his length into my mouth.

Jasper's POV

I was on fire.

I needed him like I needed oxygen. It's just, I didn't know what I needed. 

His hot tongue swirled around my shaft before dipping into the slit. Then he grunted. The vibrations sending liquid pleasure through my body.

"Ah," I gasped, arching of the bed.

And then I made the mistake of looking down to see Beau's mouth working furiously around my shaft as his front hand wrapped firmly around his own. With each movement of his mouth, he pulled on his own rod, succeeding in bringing us to our ends. I shot of the bed as I felt a tightening in my loins before something shot out into Beau's warm, wet mouth.

With a slurp, Beau pulled up, licking the gooey substance off of my member,

"Fuck," he panted before moaning. I felt something warm land on my stomach and I looked down to see white goo spots on my torso.

I blushed, the heat in my body returning to normal.

I panted as Beau laid down beside me.

And then I asked the question that was pushed to the side due to my... bodily needs.

"Beau, what are you?"

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