Road Trip

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It's been about two weeks since Carter and his family moved into the house next door. I love his family but hate him. Gavin and I have gotten close and he's now a pretty good friend. Carter also seems to be over all the time or my brother is hanging out with him. Have you ever had that friend that you see like everyday in the summer? When him and my brother are like that. When I'm hanging out with them things end up in fights once it ended with me onto of him choking him. Aiden pulled me off. Asshole.

Michelle got that acting gig. She has only been to one shooting and it was for the opening song of the show. She has another shooting today and invited me to go with her. I said yes of course and Emma is going with us to. The bad thing is that Aiden is going and bringing Carter. This means we all have to be in the same car driving up and that might not go over to well. It would be cramped in our cars so I offered to drive my mothers van.

Were leaving in like a half hour and my alarm clock just rung so I need to hurry and get ready. I got up from my bed and walked over to my bathroom. Stripping I got into the shower and awaited for the water to wake me up.

"Gracie hurry up we need to go in like five minuets!" I heard my brother yell. Shit I need to hurry really fast! I jumped out of the shower and then went back to my room. Looking through my drawers I decided to wear hip hugger jeans and a red long sleeved shirt with a white tang top. Quickly drying my hair with a dryer and putting on eyeliner and lip-gloss I was ready to go.

Making my way downstairs I saw my I-pod on the table in the living room so I grabbed it and then waited for my brother to get out of the bathroom. When he did we said a quick goodbye to our father who was getting ready to work. My mother was already at the hospital seeing as she's a nurse and doesn't get that many days off. Aiden and I left the house and I went to go knock on Emma's door while Aiden went to knock on Carter's. After I knocked a tired Emma emerged from the house wearing something similar to me but had on a white long sleeved shirt.

"Hey Em. You ready? Got your I-pod, this could be a long trip with me and Carter in the same car for a certain amount of time." I joked as we walked up to Michelle's house.

"Yeah I got it. In my pocket." She pointed to her jeans. I nodded my head then rang the doorbell to Michelle's house. She came out almost instantly seeming egger to get going.

"You excited?" I questioned making my way back to my house. When we got there the boys weren't in the car.

"Yeah, kinda nervous though." she replied playing with a strand of her hair.

I let out a chuckle. "It will be fine. You'll do great." I reassured. There was a noise of a door closing and I looked over to Carters house to see him and Aiden walking out. Oh great here the devil himself comes.

"Everyone just get into the car so we can leave." I sighed climbing into the driver's seat.

"I'll sit in the back with Michelle." Aiden called out opening one of the doors and getting in with Michelle.

Emma walked up to my door that had the window open and smiled at me. "I'll sit in the back to, leave you and lover boy in the front." She called out but whispered the last part so only I could hear. God damn son of a bitch. i tried protesting and so did Carter but about something different.

"What Gracie is driving, were as good as dead. I will not get into a car with her behind the wheel." He crossed his arms.

"Suit yourself." I revved the engine and was about to drive off.

"Fine." He grumbled and got into the car, safely strapping into the seatbelt. I also put mine onto me and then got my I-pod out from my pocket. Looking at the floor on carters side I found my car hookup and plugged that baby in. soon I heard my music playing. The song Part Up In Here came on, it's old but I love it. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Carter rolling his eyes.

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