Im Comming With You

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Carter and I were sitting at the kitchen table waiting for my parents to come home from work. They had took a late shift tonight after there shift all day. Now its two o'clock in the morning and they should be home any minute. We wanted to tell them tonight because I had a very bad conscious that would eat at me and Carter said he was the same way. A couple hours ago was the fight between Emma and I. things will never be the same with her. I will never forgive her no matter what she does or says. She totally crossed the line when she called me a slut and said I was going to be a bad mother. I won't be the perfect mom but I think I will be okay. I looked at Carter and saw that his head was leaning on the table. He looked tired too. I don't know how I can tell my mom and dad about me being pregnant. They won't take it well and I know that. When they heard about a teen star becoming pregnant they said they were blessed that their children would never do that. I can't help but feel like a disappointment now.

I really hope that in time they can accept me. That would be the best thing, for them to understand that I'm still their child that they pledged to care for. What if they don't except it? What if they end up kicking me out because of this? Carter seemed to notice the panicked look on my face. He took my hands in his and rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand.

"Don't worry Gracie, I'm here so if you need someone to have your back I'll be next to you." He reassured me. I felt a little better knowing I was not alone and nodded.

"Do you think they will still love me?" I asked getting depressed.

"Who wouldn't?" I smiled lightly through my frown.

"What ever happened to you hating me, huh?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I grew up, I know that I can't grow up that fast but because of what were dealing with I am starting to see things different. I'm sorry if anything I did before hurt you."

I smiled now a true smile, no trace of a frown. "Who said you hurt me? But If I hurt you then I'm sorry to." he let go of my hands and smiled back at me. Wow he has a nice smile.

Carter's head and mine turned to the front door as we heard it open, in walked my mother and father. My breath caught in my throat as they made a quick and tired entrance. I got up with Carter and we walked into the foyer. When my mom and dad saw us awake they gave a confused look.

"What are you both doing up?" Asked dad. He was a tall man and would seem scary to others with his muscles. My mom on the other hand was a petite woman with a loving face.

"Can we talk to you?" I wanted to know. They seemed to notice this wasn't going to be a fun talk. They put there things down on the counter and then lead us to the living room. I sat on a couch with Carter and across from us they sat in another. I took a deep breath and looked at Carter. He gave me an assuring smile and nodded for me to talk.

"Mom dad, you know that I am a responsible kid right?" They both nodded and I saw my father grab my mothers shaking hand. This is so hard, it will kill them. "Well something happened and I didn't mean for it to. I'm so scared to tell you. I think you'll hate me." tears started to brim my eyes.

"Honey we will always love you, tell us what wrong please, our scaring me." Mother pleaded.

I took a deep breath. "I took a test yesterday and it said that I was pregnant." My mother gasped and my father didn't move. I watched as my mothers hand came up to her mouth as she covered a sob that escaped her lips.

"How? When? Why would you do that." She makes it seem like I planed it.

"Mom I was with Carter and we got drunk I'm so sorry, I don't even remember it. I have no clue what happened until the day after. I was a virgin before it." My father looked over to Carter and looked like he was a lion going after pray. Carter tensed next to me and started to fidget. I grabbed his hand but that was a bad move. My father's eyes darted to our locked hands then to my face. I never saw that look come out of his eyes. It was like he was sad, scared and disappointed all at once.

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