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I woke up in a familiar bed I had been in it the night the incident happened. Looking at the clock I decided that it was time that I should get up. I quickly stretched and walked over to the corner of the room and looked through my bag that I had packed. I decided that I was going to wear a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a yellow low cut shirt with a white tang top. I then grabbed my brush and parted it to the side. Looking in the mirror I checked and thought that I looked presentable. Then I went back to my bag and took out my tooth brush. Making my way to the bathroom I hummed a song that I had heard when I was little. It had a nice note to it.

When I had finished doing my morning things I went downstairs and into the kitchen, in there was Gavin sitting at the table. I smiled over to him and he returned it.

"Hey homie, what's cracking?" He asked acting hood. I laughed at the attempt and moved my head in a motion that said I don't know. He shrugged and waved his hand then reached for his glass of orange juice.

"Where is Carter?" I asked looking thoughtfully at Gavin. He pointed to the doorway.

"Still sleeping. Go wake him up, he can't sleep forever." I nodded and then left the room, making my way to the living room.

When I got to the living room i saw Carter sleeping like a baby. He had a small smile on his face and looked really peaceful and like a small kid. I could just imagine the dreams that are going on in his small mind. Walking up to the edge of the couch I bent down onto my knees and poked him in the cheek. He twitched and moved a little. I smiled and did it again. Now he swatted my hand away.

"Hey, Caaarrrtttteeeerrrr." I whined. He swatted at the a air and I giggled. Then I slapped him in the face. He shot up right away.

"What the hell, Gracie god damn it why did you hit my face?" He asked rubbing his face. I sat back on my legs and smiled back. He looked at me and a small smile creped up onto his face.

"Well now I have to get you back now don't I?" He removed his blanket showing off his toned chest. I became wary and moved back a little.

"Carter you parents are upstairs." I pointed out as he came closer with a smirk on his face. What was he going to do?

"No there out at work." He told me. Now he was right above me and he moved down so I had my back on the floor and he was on top of me.

"What about your brother?" I asked my breath getting shallow. He smiled again.

"Why are you making excuses not to be with me?"

"Psshhh. No I'm not." I whispered as his lips moved downwards. Then they landed on mine in one swift movement. We stayed on the floor as we kept moving our mouths. I didn't seem to care that i had pretty much just met this boy, or tat he had gotten me pregnant in the first month i had been around him. That didn't matter.

"I see that you both have a party going on in here." I pulled away from Carter to lock eyes with Gavin. "Oh no don't mind me, I'm just passing through." Gavin had a huge grin on his face as he left the room. I stayed away from Carter.

"Well that truly ruined the moment." I commented, Carter nodded and leaned back onto the side of the couch. "And you have morning breath; you might want to get rid of that." I laughed as Carters face showed surprise and horror. "Kidding, but brush your teeth." He nodded and walked out of the room, seeming to follow his brother.

I lay back onto the floor. Was what Carter and I did right? Maybe I shouldn't have kissed him back. Maybe I shouldn't have moved him in the first place?

I brushed the thoughts out of my mind and decided that what I was doing was what was going to happen. I can't live think what if and should I. Living in the moment seems to be the best thing that I could do. I need to start thinking about college. I know I'm going to one and which one I am going to but I need to think about the living options that I was given. I think that me living with the guys is the best thing that I could do at this point. I got up from the floor and walked to the stairs.

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