Chapter Nine

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 "Do you want me to tell everyone?" I hear Ethan ask. I was on my way to meet Grayson at our usual place, I stand back and listen even though I really shouldn't. I just keep my presence a secret. "Because if that's how you wanna be I don't mind blabbing. Damage is already done."

"Ethan, what are you even talking about?" Grayson asks. "More like theres three times the trouble but for both of us if they find out. I didn't tell you to do what you did, okay?" He says. "You just did it. I'm sorry it went the way it did, but you didn't have to do what you did."

"So that's what you have to say about the whole situation? I didn't have to? You could have held your own?"

"I don't know." Grayson says. "What I have to say about it is thank you, but I know that doesn't mean shit to you."

"You're right it doesn't." He says with a sigh. "How could you have been such a dumbass, man?"

"I don't know." He says. "Can we discuss this more when we get home, Rowan is going to be here any minute, I don't want to stress her out with all of this."

"Is she like the only person you care about?" Ethan asks.

"In ways." He says. "She's my best friend, I love her more than anything, but this is something she's better off not knowing, okay?

"Whatever." Ethan says.

Suddenly the conversation is over, Ethan comes storming by me. He stops when he sees me. I open my mouth to talk but he shakes his head. "You're not hearing anything from me." He says before running off again. I go up on the stage and sit by Grayson, thinking about what I can even say.

"How long were you outside for?" He asks.

"I heard a lot." I tell him. "I'm going to ask you, and don't you dare tell me it's nothing, what does Ethan have over you?" I ask.

"You wouldn't believe that we were practicing a play, would you?" He asks, with a small half smile.

I glare at him. "I'm not an idiot, Gray. You need to tell me so I can help you, I don't want you fucking up and getting into trouble, you said yourself there would be plenty of it. Grayson, you need to tell me."

"It's not even that big of a deal." He says. "It's just that the story about what happened the night he got in trouble was a little fabricated." He explains.

"Fabricated?" I ask. 'How so?"

"We told everyone I was waiting outside that night, I wasn't." He tells me. "I was in the store, he thought it would look more suspicious if I just waited outside, so I went in to just walk around, when he got caught, we both ran outside and he told me to pretend I was never in there and to run. I was sketched out, so I had my hood up, it worked because the man in the store never saw me. So I ran." He tells me.

"Why is that such a big deal?" I ask, thinking it over. "There is like two details left out from the story that went around."

"Because when the cops questioned me, I did lie to them." He says. "I told them Ethan ran out and told me to run, I stayed long enough to see him throw a punch before I took off and that was all I saw." He tells me. "If they found out I was around to see most of it, they could open the case again."

"Jesus and we really don't want that." I say. "So that's what Ethan has over you?" I ask. "You lied about not being an eye witness?"

He frowns a little. "Yeah, that's what it is." He tells me, I can tell that he wants to say more, but I let it go. He's said enough, I don't want to stress him out so I leave it.

"So we keep our mouths shut." I tell him with a half smile. "Between Ethan, you and me. We're the only ones who know, we're the only ones who needs to know. I'm sorry I forced that out of you."

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