Chapter Eight

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 It has been a couple of weeks since Carl and Ethan got here. Surprisingly enough they're basically best friends. Carl is just about the only person Ethan is nice to. I guess they bonded over being the new kids, I found out that they were hanging out together the first day so neither one of them would have to be alone. I actually think that that's awesome! I think that Ethan needs a friend, as long as there is one person that he get's along with, he's doing better. He sits beside me in most of our classes, I get why. We don't talk, not really. Unless one of us has a mean comment for the other person. Everything is just kind of how they use to be now. I guess that's what happens when something changes, it's a big deal for a bit then everything slowly stops revolving around it and soon enough nobody gives two shits about it. That's kind of how people were when Ethan started our school.

But, if I'm being completely honest, I can't help feeling bad for him. I know he's a dick, and he makes every low blow at his brother, who happens to be my best friend that he can. I know that he literally hates everybody without reason, he's rude and likes to interrupt, and kind of always says the wrong thing at the wrong time, but I can't help but feel bad for him. It's completely obvious why he acts the way he does. The more I'm around him, the more clear it is. He's this way because he's never been anything but not good enough, and that's how he feels, so that's how he acts. He acts like everyone expects him to. Because, I've noticed him starting to be nice on more than one occasion, but then he catches himself and tells you to go to hell. Being mean is his way of coping, which sucks because you want to help him and he won't let you.

I sigh as I walk into my first period class, I see Ethan is already sitting there. I give him a half smile as I go take my seat beside him. "I forgot to ask you." I tell him. "How are you finding this class?"

"It's English. I can read. It's fantastic." He rolls his eyes at me.

I frown a little. "I was just making sure. English is my best class and I could easily help you if needed." I tell him.

"English is everyones best class, don't flatter yourself, Monroe." He says, harshly.

"Okay, jeez." I say. "I'll just shut up and let you fail your classes then, which you need to pass, which you need to do to pass your parole." I mention. "I know we're not friends but I still have your best interest in mind."

"You're right, we're not friends. So why don't you except that and leave me alone. Or go kiss my brothers ass some more for all I care. You seem to love him so much, why don't you go harass him about his grades." He says, getting annoyed. "Seriously, we only need to see each other in the car on the way here and home. You don't need to be friends with everyone you come across."

"If I did that I would be the most popular person here." I say. "But I'm not, so maybe you should at least get the facts before you try to insult me."

"You're nobody, why am I even wasting my time with this conversation, right? Never had it anything but easy, adopted by two loving parents because your real ones didn't care enough about you to even keep you, right? That's your struggle, that's what brings you down to earth? Two parents you don't even remember? Get over yourself, okay?"

"Again, fact check before you throw my life in my face." I say. "None of what you just said is true. But you wouldn't know that would you? You're too busy thinking about how to insult me next to think for a second that maybe you're not right about my life." I say, rolling my eyes at him. "You can't bring me down just because your life is shit. I've worked hard to get to where I am, you just tell people off and take what comes next." I tell him. "You need a reality check if you think you're the only one with issues. Maybe yours are worse than some peoples, and maybe some peoples are worse than you, it doesn't make either any less valid. But, I'm done with this conversation, because I don't want to get mad and say something I don't mean. It's called a filter, you should look into getting one."

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