Once Uppon a time...

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"Miss Clark, Mrs. Darvill is ready to see you."

"Thank you."

I stood up from the seat I was occupying in the waiting room, and headed for the office labeled Chief Executive Officer. The door opened on a wide room where a small, rather aged woman was sitting at her desk, talking on the phone. I stood in front on the bureau, awkwardly waiting for my new boss attention.

"Okay, we'll deal with this later I have an appointment right now." The lady said before hanging up abruptly and turning toward me.

"You may sit down, dear." She told me with a smile.

"Thank you" I sat down in the leather chair facing her desk, while she read a sheet of paper on her desk; the e-mail I sent her.

"So, you'll have to do this quick dear because I do not have all day. What can I do for you?"

"Well, I'm here because Mr. Donateli was supposed to write me a recommendation letter for my college application, before he..."

"Quitted us." Mrs. Darvill finished for me. I swallowed the knot in my throat before nodding in agreement.


Recently, my old boss, Arthur Donateli, passed away. It was totally unexpected; he was only about 65, in good health, not something one could anticipate. It was a huge shock for everybody, especially me. Let's say that he always had been the paternal figure in my life, he took care of me on more than just a professional level and I owed him a lot of what I was today. So I was devastated by the news of his death.

"I see." The woman said in a strong voice

"And, I came here to ask you to fill out this letter for me, please."

"Humm, I don't think so." She replied, without even looking away from me. I froze a moment, not quite understanding what she meant.

"I'm sorry?" I asked after a few seconds of heavy silence

"Well, you see Miss, euh..." She took a quick glance on the paper in front of her

"Lexie Clark"

"Right. Well Mrs. Clark, I don't know you. So I can't possibly do such a thing." Her eyes wandered around her desk, like she was totally uninterested in the matter.

"Uhm, Mrs. Darvill, I've been Arthur's right-hand men for a little more than three years. I don't mean to brag but I was his best..."

"Indeed, you were." She cut me, and flashed me a big smile.

"You can look in the archive, you'll find that I've always exceeded at everything Mr. Donateli handed me." I insisted as she sat back in her seat.

"Well, Arthur and I are very different in our working ethics. So I can't trust some papers to tell me if my employees are skilled or not." Her tone was monotone, as if this conversation was boring her to death. On my part I was starting to feed up.

"You don't understand, I need that letter. I've been working this job for three years just to earn that letter. My future depends on it, I won't be able to get into college if I don't get it."

"What a shame" Lorna simply replied, on a tone that could only imply she didn't give a damn. It left me completely dumbfounded.

"I can't believe this," I started, unable to contain my sudden rage.

"Try and put yourself in my place. You're a very young, inexperienced  girl..."

"I've worked here longer than you"

"... and I can't take the chance and put this business in danger just for you." She flashed me another of her arrogant smiles.

"This can't be happening!" I exclaimed, completely out of me.

"Miss Clark will you calm down please. Now, I'm not a total monster, I won't fire you, don't worry."

I let out a sigh of relief at the sound of those words.

"I'm willing to take you for trial as a personal assistant."

"Wait, what?!" I exclaimed. She must have been kidding.

"No need to thank me dear. We have a new contract that starts soon, an American tour, perfect to test your capacities."    

My mouth dropped, literally. I looked at my new superior, totally out of words, and I saw in her eyes that there was no need of arguing with her; she was dead serious.

I stood up stiffly from my seat, ready to get the hell out of this place.

"Thanks for having me." I said, coldly. Lorna grined as I was exiting her office.

"Oh and Lexie, we start in three days."

"In three day it's Sunday, it's my day off." I replied strongly.

"Not anymore. You may go now"

As she said her last word, she took her cell phone and dialed a number, turning away from me.

What kind of nightmare is this?


Author's note : 

The Cast is to match the character of the story VS the original character in Cinderella. They are not celebrities, don't search for them.

A Cinderella story ; One Direction editionWhere stories live. Discover now