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A month. Four long and painful weeks serving this little brat.

And guess what? Only seven more months to go!

"I won't make it!" I told Zoe as I ran in our hotel room, in a hurry.

"You will Lexie, you can do it you made it to this day" She replied, not even gazing up from the magazine she was reading

"Barely alive!" I shouted from the bathroom, earning a laugh from my friend.

Boy, I wish I was joking.

These weeks have been the worst of my life.  I was being treated like a slave, and I'm hardly exaggerating.

Having Stacy around wasn't so bad. It was annoying for sure, and I had to do a bunch of stupid things for her that I wasn't even repaid for. But it was a all-included vacation comparing to when Lorna was around.

I swear that woman is the devil.

From time to time, we had the pleasure to be honored by her presence.

Those times meant that suddenly everything was my  fault. Also everything was all of the sudden my responsibility. I had all the dirty work exclusively for myself!

How lucky

She made me clean after everybody, she even made me clean everybody's rooms! We live in hotels, they have maids who are paid to do it! But that wasn't a valid argument to her, I had to do it. No excuses. I had to take care of everything for her; bringing her luggage to her room, unpack her luggage, put everything in drawers and closets, take care of washing all of her clothes -dry cleaning only, of course- , preparing her outfits in advance, and when we were changing cities I had to pack everything and start all over again.

We change places every four days in average.

I also had to make sure all of her meals came in at the right times and the right places -or else I was the one who took the blame-, and be ready at anytime to serve her little whims -even at night!-. I had the duty of taking care of everything in her planning, making sure the whole thing was right, and if someone was late: my fault. I had to do all of her paperwork, which makes no sense since I have no competence  in that matter. Still, everything had to be done perfectly.

Oh, and if I had the mischance of being caught -on duty-  in her hotel room by her, I could be sure I was in trouble. Big time.

Oh yeah, let's not forget that I still had to obey Stacy.

It was crazy, and if I didn't do it fast enough I was punished. And  in the rare cases where I did do it fast enough, I was also punished because "I wasn't doing anything" on working time. Either way I was trapped to do overtime, always working a nasty job like cleaning the whole fricking tour bus!  

And to had to my chance, for a strange reason, Stacy was receiving all of the praises.  For my work.

Luckily enough I had Zoe to help me when she had the time. She was sweet enough to fit some task Lorna gave me in her own work time. But even then, I barely made it. I was going to bed exhausted every night and I had to wake up early every single morning.

Living the dream

On the very few nights I had off (mainly the ones where Lorna was nowhere to be seen), I could finally concentrate on my music. I headed to the rooftop of the hotel with my guitar and some coffee, and stayed there until inspiration left me. The fact the we traveled a lot helped, having a new city to watch every few days was great. It gave me a new vibe every time, and I ended up composing a lot.

A Cinderella story ; One Direction editionWhere stories live. Discover now