Serious buisness

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"Wait, you can't be serious?"

"I'm dead serious Zoe. God, what am I gonna do?"

I was on the phone with my best friend, doing my best to keep the tears of rage from falling down my cheeks.

"Well you can always quit and find a new job.." My friend proposed

"Within three days? This is mission impossible. And besides, even if I could find something, where would I live? I already rented my crib to someone, I already moved out, I'm ready to move into college for god sake!"

I took a deep breath to calm myself down. This just couldn't be happening.

"I had it all planned out Zoe. Everything! I worked my ass off three and a half year in this stupid band management company so I could be near the music industry. Three fucking years to get into music school and now what? I'm back playing coffee girl. This isn't fair!"

"Look at the bright side, I'll be at your side. And we're going on tour right? With real musicians, real rock and roll legends! Maybe you'll learn something there and it will help you pursue your music thing."

"yeah, don't count on it " I replied with no enthusiasm. Touring with bands could sound like an exciting job, but really, it's not that great. You hardly see the band, you only deal with all the things they don't want to deal with. And most of them are just insolent prick. Not always fun.

"Do you even know who we'll be with?" I asked Zoe.

"No, but hey let's hope it will be a good surprise."


Let's hope at least one good thing comes out of this hell hole.


I had to run to work this morning, coffee in one hand and luggage in the other. We were starting the tour today, which meant that for a couple of months my new home would be relocated every few days.

"Zoe, where the hell are you?" I called my friend. I was arrived at the meeting point but I was surprisingly alone.

"Shit! We're around the back, sorry I forgot to tell you they changed it."

"It's okay, I'm coming"

"Hurry up, there's a Barbie doll that keeps asking for you here."

I rolled my eyes; I wasn't even arrived and slavery had already begun.

I made my way around the building as fast as I could, carrying my heavy package behind me. When I turned the corner I spotted my friend that seemed to be waiting for me.

"Zoe, I..."


I turned around as a high pitched voice pierced my ears. Behind me was standing a girl with platinum blond hair and lashes so long I probably could have used a curling iron on them.

"Where were you?!" she started to walk toward me until she was standing a few centimeters away from my face.

"I was simply..."

"I don't care where you were!" She screamed again at me, shutting me up.

"Now take this and go check if everything's ready, and hurry up you're already late!"

She handed me a checklist of a few basic things to be sure are ready before we can go.

"If we're that late why didn't you do it?" I asked on the defensive. A five years old could have done it, seriously.

"Because that's YOUR job, not mine" She replied and immediately turned away and left.

"Told you there was a bimbo looking for you." Zoe said as we watched the girl walk away from us.

"What in the world..." I murmured to myself, before taking another quick glance at the list I was holding. Who was this fake ass bitch to boss me around like that?

I let out a heavy sigh. You have to get used to your new job Lexie, you have no choice.

"Well, I guess I better get that done" I pointed at the list as I gave my best friend a desperate look.

"Sure, what do you have to do?" She replied. I took a look at the first point on the paper.

"Well, number one is to check the tour bus"

A small smile drew on my face and I looked at Zoe, who had the same expression as me.

"Wanna take a look at what band we'll be touring with?"

"Hell yeah!" She answered excited. We both made our way to the parking lot where the bus and vans were waiting to hit the road, making hypothesis on which group we could be working for.

"Like, it could be Green Day, I know they were touring soon. Or maybe Kings of Leon, how cool would that be?!" I said and my friend giggled and told me she'd like to meet Switchfoot really bad. That would be pretty freaking awesome.

We turned the corner of the building, finally getting to our destination, still talking about bands that we like. Zoe and I both absolutely love music. That's one of the reason she's my best friend, we share that passion.

Music is my life, seriously. I've always, even since I'm a little toddler, wanted to learn music. When I was in high school, all I did in my spear time was learning new instruments and working on my voice and on compositions. It's my way to connect with the world. I always feel the best when I'm playing, or signing, or listening to music. It's like a drug, but in a good way. It keeps me alive.

We both stopped walking at the same time when we saw it. I stood still a second, unable to do anything but stare at it. A wide red tour bus with a United Kingdom flag on it, and big white letters that took half the goddamn side writing the band's name.

Oh, I knew who this was. Everybody knew who they were...

One Direction

"A Boyband?!" I finally shouted, feeling frustration and despair taking over me.

Oh boy, this wasn't looking like a happy trip for me.

A Cinderella story ; One Direction editionWhere stories live. Discover now