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Today was one of the days where Lorna was gone who-knows-where, so it was kind of an easy day. I had set up everything for the band's sound check -as usual-, and was just sitting there in the room, listening to my tunes, waiting to be bossed around.

♫♪ I wanna live a life like that

I wanna be just like a king

Take my picture by the pool

Cause I'm the next big thing

Beverly Hills! that's where I want to be

Livin' in Beverly Hills

Beverly Hills! Rolling like a celebrity

Livin' in Beverly Hills

I suddenly heard someone talk beside me. I sighed and opened my eyes, ready to see a grumpy Stacy, but to my surprise I was facing a boy. A tall, very fit looking guy with warm brown eyes... that were looking straight at me.

I quickly cut my sound and took off my headphones

"I'm sorry, were you talking to me?"

The boy laughed kindly before replying

"I said : What are you listening to?" he repeated "I can hear your music from the stage."

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't want to disturb you..." I apologised, putting away my mp3 player

"It's alright, there's no one to disturb, I'm all alone here."  The guy kindly reassured me.

I took a look around to see that we were, in fact, the only two people in this room. I let out a sigh of relief and sat back in my seat a little.

"I'm Liam by the way," He said as he took the seat next to me.

"I'm Lexie," I presented myself "Why are you here so early?" I wondered why he was the only member of his band here.

"I got curious," he said with a smile. "I noticed that everything is always ready for us when we come in, and that we always have everything we want at all times. Which is pretty nice."

I smiled to myself. At least someone noticed.

" I also noticed that you work like crazy. I see you hang around sometimes, but you're always running around, serving that girl, the one that's always watching us when we rehearse."

I let out a laugh at the way he described Stacy.

"You're the one who does all those things for us, right?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I am."

"It looks like you're at everyone's service at all times!" Liam joked, and I gave him a small smile.

"Well, I am..."

"What a horrible job, you're working so hard all the time. I can tell." I groaned and he gave me a sympathetic look.

"Yeah I know, it's the worst. How I ended up getting this job is a long story. Believe me it wasn't my first choice!" I exclaimed, making him chuckle slightly.

"But at least I get to listen to you guys play. You're really talented!"

"Thanks," He replied with a small laugh, and I'm pretty sure I saw his cheeks flush a little.

"How did you get this job?" He asked me, taking me off guard. I was surprised he was curious

Nobody ever notice me, I'm coffee girl.

"Oh.. You know I don't think you wanna hear about that, it's a boring story anyway. And you must have a bunch of things to do, I don't want to interrupt things..." I looked at my watch very quickly and got up my seat. "Oh, look at the time, I better get going... or her royal highness will have to wait for her morning cup of coffee!"

Liam smiled at me before getting up himself

"Alright, well I just wanted to say that we, me and the rest of the band, are very thankful for all the work you do for us. You make our life so much easier, I don't know how we could replay you!"

"Oh, well it's nothing. It's my job you know." I replied awkwardly, not really knowing what to say or do.


I smiled to myself. It was the first time in forever that someone was thankful of the work I did, and it felt great.

"I'll see you later," He said before turning around and going back on stage. I took my purse and headed for the exit

"Hey, Liam?" I said just I reached the door. He looked at me at the sound of him name, listening

"I'm going to Starbucks, you want anything?"

"Uh, sure... Can you please bring me a blueberry muffin? You sure it's no trouble for you?"

I laughed kindly at his response

"Asked nicely like that, it's my pleasure, really" I replied, earning a smile from him

"Alright then, thanks a lot Lexie, that's really sweet." He said, and I left the room with a smile.


"Why did you bring me a muffin?" Stacy asked as I arrived with her coffee "I never asked for that!"

"It's not for you." I simply replied and walked toward the stage.

The guys were just finishing a song, so I waited for them to hit the last note before joining them on stage. When Liam saw me he came toward me with a huge grin.

"Here," I said as I handed him his snack.

"Thanks!" He took it from me and took a bite right away

"That song was great!" I complimented "I really liked it,"

"Really?" Liam asked "From what I heard blasting out of your earphones this morning, you seemed a little bit more on the Rock side"

"Yeah, you're right, I am. Not really into boybands actually..."

"Ouch." Liam replied, joking, pulling a laugh out of me

"But I liked it anyway, especially the guitar." I explained. My eyes wondered around the stage until they found Niall, still holding the electric guitar. He was talking with Louis and Zayn at the other end of the stage.

And guess who was also at the other end of the stage, listening to them; Yeah, Stacy.

She caught my gaze on her and Niall, and she frowned. What are you still doing here? She started making her way around the stage, coming toward me.

oh-oh, not good.

"I see," Liam said "In that case you should really like the next one, and it's a little more on the rock side than this one-"

"Uh, I'd love to stay and listen, but I really can't sorry..." I rushed to say as Stacy was approaching us.

"Why?" Liam asked me

"LEXIE!!" My name resonated in the whole stadium as it got screamed by Stacy, shutting up everyone.

"...Work is calling me" I said toward Liam, before quickly turning around and heading toward the door. 

A Cinderella story ; One Direction editionWhere stories live. Discover now