Coffee girl

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"Here we go!" Zoe exclaimed as our car hit the road, but I wasn't in any mood for cheering.

After I was done with the check up Mrs. Bimbo gave me, I had to take care of everybody's luggage and store them in the van. And when I was finished with that task I got yelled at because it took too long. But of course no one asked to help me out with it.

Stupid people.

I turned toward my friend sitting in the driver's seat.

"For how long are we leaving? I asked

"I don't know, like a few months maybe?" She replied, keeping her eyes on the highway. I let out a grunt as I sat back in my seat in despair.

Goodbye college.

"Don't be so negative Lexie, we're in this together"

"Zoe, I'm sorry to bring things down but you work in events planning. you already have your diploma, you graduated. That's what you do in life. This is not what I want to do. I don't wanna be coffee girl for the rest of my life! I wanna be a musician!"

I had to stop myself from shouting at my friend, after all it wasn't her fault. I rested my head on the window, watching the few buildings and trees fly by on the side of the freeway.

God, what would I do just to go back a few days and prevent all of this from happening...

"Why did he have to leave us..." I said in a hushed voice. I saw Zoe's eyes linger on me in the rear view mirror.

"Honey, I'm sorry..." She told me "I know how close you and Arthur were. It sucks, if you want I can..."

"Zoe, can we please not talk about this?" I asked, as I felt the tears coming to my eyes. Too soon. I didn't want to talk about it. I didn't want to think about it, ever.

"Sure..." She replied softly, bringing her eyes back on the road.

I rested my eyelids, trying to forget why i was suddenly feeling so helpless, and drifted away in the single beautiful place left to me that is my dreams.


"Miss Clark, I'd like you to meet your new supervisor: Stacy Grant... me!"

I looked at Barbie girl in front of me with my mouth dropped.

"You must be kidding me?!" Zoe exclaimed, half between a laugh and a scream of horror. I probably would have laughed too if I wasn't in a total state of denial in the moment.

"Oh no, I'm being totally serious," Stacy said, looking directly at me.

"When Lorna's not there, I replace her. Which means I'm in charge..." She took a few steps toward me to get right in my face. She was taller than me, but that was only because she was wearing five inch heels.

"Which also means that you do what I say." She flashed me a big arrogant smirk

Do not talk back Lexie... stay professional.

All I did was frown, which seemed satisfying to her. She finally turned around and got off my face

"So, once you're done taking care of the check in and brought everybody's suitcases to their rooms, I want you to go and pick up lunch for me."

"Sure, what do you want?" I said with a sigh

"I don't care, just make sure I like it." She replied on an annoyed tone.

"I'm sorry?" I asked, completely confused.  

"And if I don't, I'm going to deduct it from your pay check, so don't mess up. And do it quickly I'm starving!" She screamed the last words at me as she turned a corner and disappeared, leaving me totally taken aback.

"Wow..." Zoe, who i almost forgot was still here, said. I gave her a helpless look.

"That's it, I'm in hell."

My best friend laughed, which kind off boosted my mood up a little. At least I have her.

"Shit, honey I have to go, work's calling my name" She said as her phone alarm rang. "I'll see you tonight"

"Okay, have fun!"

She smiled at me before running out of the room, leaving me alone with the shit job I had to work.


"Oh yeah, most definitely... You won't believe who I just met... One Direction!... No, I'm not joking, I swear... yes! I'm touring with them... Oh christ, gorgeous boys! and you know the Irish one, Niall Horan... Uh-uh... Oh my god!... I know he's so hot... yeah I'm working on that... uh-uh... Okay, yeah, I'll keep you updated... Bye bye darling!"

I was standing in the threshold of Stacy's room, her lunch in hand and forced to listen to that disgusting telephone conversation. Once it was over she put her cell phone away and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"So, what did you get me?"

I looked at the food I was holding. I figured that girls that looked as fake as she did probably liked overrated food.

"I went to Starbucks and got you a salad and a chicken Santa Fe Panini -low fat of course- with a grande coffee. I brought cream and sugar also, you know, so you can make it how you like."

I finished my sentence with a -oh so fake- smile. Stacy studied me a second, before nodding and  grinning.

"You're in luck, I actually craved for some Starbucks. Put it down here." She pointed the desk beside the door. I did as she asked and headed back for the door, ready to get the hell out of there the quickest I could.

"Before you go Lexie," She stopped me before I could escape. I turned around to look at her.   

"Don't forget that 1D have their first concert tomorrow. So I want you to be there and ready fifteen minutes before their sound check, got it?"

I nodded with a small sigh. You're going to be at the services of a stupid boyband, how great.

"One last thing," Stacy added

"be sure to ask to add some foam on my coffee next times."

"Sure," I said before turning heels and getting out of her room, retaining a laughter.

How did I not guess that?

A Cinderella story ; One Direction editionWhere stories live. Discover now