DAY 05, WEEK 01

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DAY 05, WEEK 01

"You said yes." He smiled.

That scene was forever playing inside my head. Never-ending, never fading, never getting used to. That smile, that atmosphere, that look of triumph. It was all too sweet to apprehend.

The clock struck twelve on our way home. It was then day five.

"Come on, you can't dodge that subject forever." He had that smirk on his face, that smirk that was to die for.

"You said yes, you can't take back your word. You're my guardian angel, shouldn't angels keep their words?"

He was choking me. I had not, for once, made eye contact ever since that last question. He kept annoying me. Asking me, pleading me, provoking me, over and over again.

"Fine!" I finally gave up, "Yes! Are you happy now? I thought you promised your mom that you would not date anyone until you're 25?"

"It's fine. She said person, not guardian angel."

He was so happy that day. We fell into deep sleep almost immediately when we got to his room. That morning I became his new alarm clock, and every day after that one. I shook him in a rough manner and yet he still did not wake up. I pulled his blanket away and pinched his arm. He flinched but he did not wake. I was running out of patience and gave it one last try. I took his arm and bit it. I bit it hard. He immediately got up.

"What the freak were you thinking?!"

"Hurry up! You always end up late for school. Even I'm tired of you being late."

Like a daily routine, we held hands on the way to school and then Max appeared and Tai. I promised Karry to visit during lunch, I did so in front of Max and Tai. He had already ran several steps ahead but caught me just before I walked away.

"Jessica!" He called out to me, Max and Tai stopped and he ran back to me.


"One more thing." I stared at him as he just stood there smiling like an idiot.

He stepped in closer to me and gave me a peck on my cheek before leaving me, dumbstruck, star struck, and love-struck. My cheeks blushed a rosy pink and waved him goodbye. Even without seeing his face, I could tell that he was happier than ever. It was cute how he would be happy just be a simple gesture. I was happy too, and embarrassed but mostly happy.

I arrived at his class sooner or later and wat on the windowpane again. He could not talk to me because his teacher was constantly watching him. I walked around his class and fiddled with several things around the room. Karry was watching me with a grin spread across his face. I eventually just walked around school instead. Just one room was not enough for me to spend two hours in.

I remembered the game I played in my previous life, how good I was at it. How cruel it was. How inhumane it was. I picked out a romance novel written by one of my favourite authors and started reading. Two hours later, I took a short glance at the page number then headed towards the canteen.

Max was waving frantically at me and I could notice them almost immediately. He offered to pay for my lunch but I said I already ate lunch before coming to the school. Then he offered to buy me a drink and I had no choice but to take it.

"So, which part of America are you from? Why did you move there?" Max randomly started to ask me questions.

"I used to live in New York. My dad took on a job there so we had to move. We only came back around five days ago, just for a short visit."

"You must be an expert in English." Max commented.

"You talk too much." Karry interrupted.

"Sorry I'm curious about my best friend's new girlfriend."

"I've had enough." Tai stood up from his seat and left the canteen.

Only the three of us were left at that table. The eventually had to leave but Karry pretended to escort me to the school gate while Max headed back to class. On the way back to class with Karry, a couple of girls stopped by. One had a mint green letter at hand and the other had a powdery pink in hers. I knew immediately what the situation was about. I turned around and wanted to leave but Karry held onto my pinkie.

"I'm flattered but I'm sorry." He responded all too quickly, he took the letters but still bowed to them.

He only left the scene when the two girls ran away. I could tell that there were still tears in their eyes even when they said it was alright. Karry folded the two letters neatly and kept them in his pockets. I stared at his pocket while we headed back to class.

"Aren't you going to read it?" I asked.

"Yeah, just not in school."

"If you said no, why are you still keeping it?"

"They still wrote it for me. They probably poured all of their feelings into this letter and I don't want to waste it."

We kept quiet for a while. He was too busy paying attention to his English teacher. He scratched his head and struggled with it. I giggled at him and stared at the questions. I was not raised in China, I was brought up at several different places throughout my school years. We often moved around the globe due to my father's job and finally settled down in Malaysia a year ago. English was certainly the least of my problems.

"Do you need help?"

"Why aren't you jealous?" Karry just asked, ignoring my question.

"Do you want me to be jealous?"

"It would be much more normal if you are."

"Well I'm not. I doubt that any girlfriend you'll ever have will be normal. Besides, they just have a crush on you, it's not like you're dating them."

He kept quiet. He expected more from me, not as me but as his girlfriend. I had to boost up his confidence for him.

"Because you're dating me."

He giggled and chuckled softly at me answer, he was so pleased. He placed his hand on top of mine and just stared at me in the eye for a moment. Not so long that people noticed, not so short that it was just a second. It felt like forever, it felt like it should have been forever.

Maybe it is normal for girls to get jealous or mad or whatever when their boyfriend gets love letters, but I was not. I did not feel that bad, corrupt feeling. One part was because I believed in Karry, he said I was his girlfriend. Another part was because Karry already said no to them. And the last part was because I felt that I had no right to stop anyone from liking him, I would not blame them. Besides, Karry deserved someone better. At least someone better than me.

"Let's go Karaoke." Max suggested after school.

Karry checked his watch and stared at the sky. It was getting pretty late, it was already 5. He looked at me and I just stared blankly back at him. He turned to Max and refused his offer. In the end, Max forced us to go. He had coupons that were to expire by the end of the day. So we went singing, which was a terrible idea.

I could not sing, I was simply just not born for it. Meanwhile, Karry was the star of the night. Max had six coupons, he invited three of people from his class. Two girls and Tai. One of them was Suzy while the other was Lia. Only a blind fellow would not notice how Lia was looking at Max, same way Suzy was looking at Karry. My heart shrunk, instantly.

Suzy was different from the two girls before. She was so pretty, so elegant, so perfect. I knew she was a far better or suitable person for Karry than I am. My heart shrunk, instantly. She giggled, talked to Karry. She was like a goddess. My heart shrunk, instantly. I knew I did not belong there.

I apologized to Max and said I had to leave earlier. Though the real couple among the group was Karry and I but it felt a lot more like it was Karry and Suzy. Karry tried to have me stay but I made him stay instead. I walked along the street where the Karaoke venue was at. When I was several steps away, I did not need to even try to be invisible. My presence was so low that no one noticed.

I flew away. When I managed to get my brain to function as I like I became invisible again and I flew away. I did not go back to Karry's house, I just lingered around the city. The clock struck twelve, Tai Ann found me at the park.

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