DAY 04, WEEK 02

233 7 5

I'm sorry if I'm clingy.

I thought to myself as I watched Karry pack early in the morning with my arms wrapped around my legs.

"I gotta go now." He patted my head and leaned in to kiss my forehead.

I just nodded and watched him leave. 

"Hey, you're there right."


"I want more time."

"No can do. If you force yourself over the limit, you know you might not even reincarnate into your next life."

"It's okay, I just need more time."

"3 weeks isn't enough? You have roughly 1.5 weeks left."

"He's leaving for a week, I have four days left with him."

"Then go with him."

"He said I shouldn't go."

"Don't you think there's a reason for that?"

Usually in a movie there would be music for suspense right here, but this was not a movie filmed and staged. I could roughly imply what he meant but I really did not want to know the reason.

"Don't you think its been a while since Suzy's appeared? She's obviously not the type to give up until she has what she wants; you know that too don't you?"

My mind drifts back to when Suzy and I were best friends. 

Yeah, we were. We were the best of friends. We were just like family. I was there for her, but eventually I realized that she was never there to listen to my opinions, but I was okay with that, cause I really needed someone to just be there.

We were best friends up to the point where she got a boyfriend. She came to be quite a slut, to the point I was not sure if it was him who changed her or if she was originally like that; I was just too blind to see. She became obsessed with sexual desires, to the point that it was disgusting to see her flirt with every boy she sees. To the point I felt that she had lost herself.

She told people, whether it was the boys in my school or her new friends classified under 'too much makeup'. She told them I isolated her, used her, forced her to do things she did not want to do. 

I tried to confide her and asked her what changed; told her we could be what we used to be, she agreed and everything. Although it ended up as a failure and it was quite one-sided, I thought she would change; but she did not.

That's why I wanted you to stay away from her, Karry. I'm afraid you would believe her lies.

"If he truly loves you, he won't, but that's why you're scared aren't you."

Meanwhile Karry's class was just boarding onto the bus.

"Now, tell me how you knew who Jessica really is."

Karry plopped down on the seat next to Suzy, yet she had her earphones on and ignored him. He pulled them out of her ears waited for her answer, but she just put them back on. This time, he just took her phone and earphones away from her.

"Look, I came to this trip just cause you told me you would expose her to the world if I didn't. Now I'm here and I want answers."

"Karry," she let out a sigh and look at him straight in the eye, "Be my boyfriend and everything will come out clear to you."

Karry scoffed at her statement, but her face still remained serious.

"What did you expect? Did you think I was going to tell you all this for nothing," she grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes, "I'm serious. Whenever it comes to you, I always am and have been."

"You're right. What exactly did I expect?"

He brushed off Suzy's hand and switched seats.

"Move over, I want the window seat."

Max looked at him with disbelief, he gave him the 'What the actual f***? Just cause you're good-looking' look, but he still moved co-cooperatively. He was just about to ask what went wrong, though Karry's face gave him the warning-do-not-come-close vibe. 

"We're best friends, what could go wrong?"

"Hey. Karry-"

Karry gave him a ferocious glare that went like"ROAR!"

"Okay- guess it's not okay."

Max shut up looked to his classmate on the other row.

"Save me!" He whispered.

"What are you going to do now?"

"That's up to me isn't it?"

Jessica let out another sigh. She put her face in her hands and realized something she should have thought of long ago. She was nobody without Karry. Her very existence was questioned. No one could see her, she had a voice in her head, no one could prove of her existence. 

"Maybe I should go home."

It was a long journey, but god was at her side, it did not rain. She had a few stops on the way, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, but there was no point in touring around there when it would be forgotten in 1 week and a few days. Live in the moment? I doubt that word had effect on Jessica, she was a ghost. 

It took her as long as 8 hours to arrive back at home. 

"Nothing changed."

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