DAY 01, WEEK 02

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DAY 01, WEEK 02

I did not think I should let Karry know.

The thought was too scary for me to process. I just subconsciously made my way home. I sat on the rooftop with my legs tucked in and my arms wrapped firmly around it. I watched the sunset without paying any attention to its details. I only came to when Karry came back home, I told him I was not feeling so well and that I'm not going to school with him tomorrow. I could tell from his eyes that he was disappointed. He kissed me on the forehead and said this:

"I don't know what's going on in the brain of yours, but whatever it is, I'm always going to be here for you."

I instantly felt warmth all over me and even though it took me up till that moment to realize that I do love him. I was waiting for him on the rooftop, smiling, giggling, whatever you call it. Then all that went away when he came home with Suzy right beside him.

I made sure I could not be seen by anyone but Karry, then I just stayed beside them, face as red as a tomato. I was mad, very mad. Not jealous, but mad. I was just dying a few minutes ago and then he brings the murderer back with him, because why not? I rolled my eyes then considered flying back up to the rooftop, he watched me throw a silent tantrum around the room and laughed.

I made it sound relaxing and chill but it really was not.

I watched as she scooched in closer to him every time she had question she needed help on and I swear, she was either mentally disabled or dumb, but I think both. I could not bear to watch anymore and just flew to the rooftop. Half an hour passed and she got up, no she did not leave, she just went to the toilet.

I took this opportunity to talk to Karry.

"MAKE HER LEAVE!" I wrote on his notebook.


"If you don't I will."

"You'll make her leave?"

"No, I'll leave."

He looked at me and chuckled. He pinched my cheeks then nodded.

He waited for Suzy to come out of the washroom, then told her he was not feeling well and that she should leave. I could have strangled her to death on the spot, but I did not because I'm an angel, literally. She said that she'll stay a little longer to look after Karry; that was why I could have strangled her. I had no choice but to use my last special KO master everyone-will-die move. I grabbed Karry's white blouse, a towel and my black shorts, and sneaked out to the bathroom next to his parents' room. I changed into his clothes and wet a bit of my hair before heading out, to the battlefield.

I walked into his room and started rubbing my hair with his towel. I stared at Suzy a little wide-eyed but I could tell, she was much more surprised and pissed than I was. It felt good. By the way, do not try this anywhere.

Water was dripping down my hair to the white blouse I borrowed. I looked at her, then at myself.

"This isn't what you think, I just ran out of clothes and borrow-"

"It's exactly what you think." Karry covered my mouth with one hand and wrapped the other round my waist. He knew which direction he should go.

"Now if you may, I have someone else who will tend to my sickness. Thank you, I'll see you tomorrow."

Suzy nodded with a red face and ran out of the house with her books.

I knew how much Karry was a clean freak, so I licked his hand. He let go immediately; I have come up with a new tactic. He wiped his had on the blouse I was wearing then wrapped both of his hands around me like he was playing catch with a toddler.

I know I'm short but don't treat me like a kid, I'm a freaking dinosaur.

He carried me that way and gently tossed me onto his bed. He pinned me down there. Unlike in the men's bathroom this morning, or when he was jealous, he was much gentler. It was like he changed right after he realized he could hurt me. He supported himself with one hand right next to my head and stroked my cheeks with the other. I could tell he liked doing so.

Take care of your skin girls! You gotta have your boyfriends(present/future) stroke you face as gently as Karry does.

Cause really, I had never felt so much love in one night and all he did was look at me in the eye. As well as I knew him, he would have never taken the opportunity to kiss me. He did not want me to be uncomfortable, or for us to move too fast. So I took the chance to kiss him.

It was just a small peck. Seriously, it was just a small peck. I fell back to the bed and he smiled. He had that smile no words could comprehend. That smile, I'm sure you all know what I mean. He kissed me back. It was no longer just a peck. What I felt that moment was difficult to explain or describe. I tapped his shoulder, realizing I was completely off track.

He pulled away and I had him got off of me and we sat there side by side.

"I have something to tell you."

"Please don't give me the 'we're from different world' crap."

"No it's not that.It's about Suzy."

"We're just friends. I love you."

"I know, it's just," I hesitated. 

Even when I knew that it was just the right moment to tell him everything, I hesitated. I stopped at the innocent look he gave me. How his long lashes fluttered. How his lips, the ones that just touched mine, was so soft and sweet. He moved in closer so that our legs were touching, he held my shoulders calmly, softly and slowly.

"What's wrong?"

I shook my head. I'm not ready to lose him just yet.

"Tell me. I'm your boyfriend."

"It's really nothing much. I just don't like seeing you with her, that's all." 

He raised his brows and rest his hand on mine. He held that hand and leaned in to me. I leaned backwards, my heartbeat racing.

"So what you're saying is that you stopped me from kissing you just because you wanted to tell me you're jealous."I did not answer and he blew into my ear.

"You're such a cheater." He whispered.

That was all I could handle.

"That's enough kissing on my lips for the day." I put my arms into a cross but he just chuckled, he held my hands away.

"So it's okay to kiss here? and here? and here? and here?" He giggles while giving me pecks all over my face, it was ticklish.

He gave me a peck on my nose, my forehead, both of my cheeks and just everywhere. He did not touch my neck though, he knew anywhere else would be inappropriate. 

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