Cahpter 20

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I'm a bit upset that none of you are commenting :/


Alex's POV

After driving for about 20 minutes, I finally reach Zayn's house. I drive up to the parking lot and park in front of his house. I pull out my phone to check what time it was, but I had forgotten that I turned it off to because I knew Harry would be bugging me about where I was.

I climb out of the car and walked up to the door. As I was about to knock on his door, the door opens, exposing Zayn's smiling face. "I heard your car door slam so I figured it was you. Come in." He places his hand on my lower back and leads me into his house, closing the door behind us.

I looked around his house and it was huge. I remember all the boys had that one gigantic house all for them, but I guess they also have their own place to live.

He lead me to his living room which could be the size of my bedroom. Damn, this boy got some cash. I sat down on his couch and he sat right next to me.

"Still up for dinner tonight?" He asks me raising one eyebrow.

"Of course," I smile and then realized what I was wearing. "but I forgot to dress nice because I left my house so quick."

"It's alright love, you don't have to dress nice. You already look beautiful. And we can just go eat Chinese, is that okay?" He laid back on the couch and looked at me waiting for an answer.

"Hell yes, I love Chinese food!" I say excitedly.

"So what do you want to do until dinner? I don't really have any good movies here." He ran his hand through his hair that was messy, but perfect.

"No more movies, I think I've had enough of watching them. Hmm, lets play 20 questions yeah?" I suggest.

"Alright, you start." He sits up facing me and I do the same. This couch is really big and comfortable.

"Okay, who was your first and how old were you?" I ask him curiously.

"Whoa, you're already going there?" He laughed and I shrugged. "My first was some chick at a party. She was drunk and came onto me so I was just like why not? And I think I was 16." He says without any embarrassment.

"My turn to ask you. When was the last time you had sex?" He asks and I just laugh a bit.

"You and Niall." I say smirking.

Zayn's POV

"You and Niall." After I heard that, I relaxed a little. She didn't do it with Harry yet and I'm planning on making it stay that way.

"Your turn." I say biting my lips, curious of what she will ask next.

"When was the last time you got off?" She asks and that got my full attention.

"These questions are very dirty." I laugh eyeing her.

"Whatever, just answer the question Malik." She says smirking.

"I actually haven't got off since I fucked you the other day." I smirk and lick my lips.

"Oh, you must be holding back so much pressure then." she said tilting her head smiling.

I noticed something on her neck, close to her collar bone. I look carefully and see that it's a love bite. Did Harry do it? I want to ask, but I know it's none of my business.

"Would you kiss me back if I kissed you right now?" I say scooting closer to her.

"Zayn...I," before she could say anything, I have my lips on hers. I couldn't hold it any longer. Ever since she told me to leave her house when Harry was there i've been wanting to see her. I wanted to go back there that day, but I knew she would've been pissed so I didn't.

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