Chapter 26

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*not edited*

It's been almost an hour since we started this game. Harry and Zayn are only a couple feet away from me and I'm standing here only in my bra and denim shorts. I am now starting to regret that I suggested this game, but no, I just had to risk it. The anxiety hits me when Zayn steps forward again and now he is ahead of Harry. I try not to show how nervous I am, but me playing with a strand of my hair isn't working.

Harry looks like he's ready to grab Zayn's shirt and pull him away from me, but he hasn't said or done anything to him yet. He glares at him every now and then but nothing else.

I finally proceed to the next question. "Name one thing about me that no one knows except the two of us." I know only Harry will get this question correct, and thats why I asked.

Liam, Niall, and Louis all name something we all knew about me, which had something to do with food and if you don't share with me, I'll kill. I shake my head at them laughing remembering the time when I attacked Niall for eating all the pizza.

Harry answers the question by saying "You had red highlights a long time ago. When you were 15, 16?" I smile, remembering us sitting in my bedroom going through my photo albums and he questioned about my hair. He asked why I did it and all I could say was 'I felt like it'. Every teenager goes through their time when they want to dye their hair. It was right after I went through my depression and I wanted a change.

"Sorry mate, I knew that." Zayn smirks at him. Fuck, he saw my pictures when he came over one time. Harry looks over at me asking to confirm this and I nod at him. The moment I though this couldn't get any worse, Zayn opens his mouth.

"Alex has the cutest freckle on her left hip."

Oh my fucking god.

My jaw drops open and I feel my body shaking. I can't seem to move my body. All I can do is stand here, watching Harry glare at Zayn.

"What the fuck did you say?" Harry growls stepping toward Zayn. I need to stop him before this gets out of hand but my feet wont move.

"Alright, enough! We're done with this game. No more. I'm sorry, we shouldn't have played this." I start to panic and rush toward Harry. I step between the two of them hoping I can stop this fight from happening.

I fuck everything up don't I?

"Come on Harry, lets go up to your room. Please don't do this right mow." I whisper to him, hoping he understands that this will just make everything worst.

I take Harry's hand and start walking away. Away from trouble. I pushed myself too far. I thought I could have fun, but with everything thats happened since yesterday, I can't.

Once we reach Harry's room on the second floor, we go inside. I lock the door to make sure no one disturbs us. I walk over to his bed thats neatly fixed and sit down. Harry is still standing by the door looking at the ground.

"If you don't want to talk then thats fine, but don't stand over there and ignore me Harry." I say as I lay down across the bed covering myself up. It's not too long before I am falling asleep. I hear Harry's footsteps coming closer and he is now laying next to me.

"I love you so much...." I hear him mumble and after that I drift off to sleep.


Sorry I haven't updated in months! Just so much going in since I'm moving and stuff. Guess where I'm going to?


I'm having second thoughts about this story and I don't think I want to continue it. I seriously don't even know where this is going and I just started writing because it made me feel better.

Maybe I'll just write one more chapter and see how it goes. I know this chapter sucked because I am a wreck right now.

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