Rip - Michael.

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(Name) woke up with only bedsheets covering her, reminding her of the previous night. She smiled to herself and turned to snuggle up to Rip once more before noticing something was off.

Rip was a child?

(Name) swore and scrambled to get dressed before child-Rip awoke, presuming he didn't have his adult memories. Thankfully, Rip had gone to sleep with more clothes on (if you could class sleep shorts as clothes) than (Name) had so she didn't need to worry about that awkward moment yet as the child was currently wearing suitable clothes. When she had deemed herself appropriate to be seen by a child, wearing a black dress and leggings, she tried to find something he could wear if he needed to change. Praying she could find something, she let out a triumphant sigh when she found a child sized outfit hanging in the wardrobe until she realised who it belonged to.


Well, it would have to do as they were desperate and God knows where they were, it wasn't exactly like they could take a trip to Mothercare or Babies R Us to pick something up.

"Gideon?" (Name) asked the AI.

"Yes, Miss (Name)?" Gideon, ever dutiful, answered.

"Where about in time are we?" (Name) questioned, sitting on Rip's brown chair.

"I do believe we are in early 2017, near Star Labs. Is this about Captain Hunter being deaged?" Gideon replied.

"Yeah, is anyone else on the ship awake?" (Name) asked.

"Yes, Mister Snart and Rory are awake. I am also sure that Captain Hunter is stirring." Gideon told (Name).

"Okay Gideon, thanks." (Name) stood up, and crouched next to her boyfriend.

"I am sending Mister Snart and Rory down here to assist you." Gideon said before a small voice interrupted her.

"Who are you?" The tiny boy asked, slightly defensive.

"I'm (Name), what's your name?" (Name) smiled at the boy.

"I'm Michael. Where am I Miss?" Rip, no Michael, questioned looking around. "And why am I in your bed?"

(Name) let out a snort before shaking her head and answering the boy.

"You're on my Timeship. I found you asleep so I put you on a bed where people sleep."

"You don't look like a Time Master. Besides, your robot calls you miss, not Captain." Michael declared.

Well, he wasn't stupid.

"My b- er, my friend had to go away for a while and named me temporary Captain." (Name) told him, just as the door opened revealing the two criminals.

"Hey (Name), where's Hunter?" Mick asked as he walked in.

"Her friend went away for a while, but she found me so I'm gonna be the new Captain!" Michael exclaimed and (Name) glared at the boy.

"This is Michael. He is not going to be the new Captain, I am and for your information, Rip's gone on a mission." She said, and Leonard smirked before nodding.

"Hello, I'm Leonard and this is Mick, he's my friend. I'm pretty sure that (Name)'s an adult so she gets to be Captain." Leonard said saying it in a way good with the kid.

"She isn't very good. She doesn't dress like a Time Master, and she's too pretty to be a scary person." Michael pouted and (Name) had to stop herself from laughing again.

With a kick from Leonard she cleared her throat and tried to look more authoritive.

"How about you go with Leonard and Mick and I can get my proper Captain outfit on?" She asked Michael who seemed to accept the offer.

DC LEGENDS IMAGINES ( Formerly Leonard Snart, Mick Rory and Rip Hunter Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now