Leonard - Baby.

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She sped up her pace, head aimed at the floor and eyes glued to the ground as she cradled the bundle in her arms. The baby girl wasn't crying but her large brown eyes stared into her concerned mother's, not knowing what was going on but sensing her mother's unease.

(Name) was almost there: almost to salvation. The safe camp was in reach and if she had stretched out her hand, she would have been inside the boundary, but that's were it went wrong.

Strong hands dragged her backwards, and instead of flinging her arms out to catch herself, she allowed herself to fall to protect her child. Fearfully, she looked up to see the dictator Vandal Savage standing over her, a mocking grin on his face at the muddied state of her clothes.

"And the filth gets even dirtier..." He drawled, taking a gun from his side and aiming it at her head.

"Please... Don't kill me, I have a daughter!" (Name) begged, even though she knew it was useless.

Savage pretended to ponder before clicking off the safety.

"You're the lowest of the low, I'm not sure why I'm even considering wasting a bullet on you. A daughter of a weapon maker who runs off with a hero only for him to die a week later and end up pregnant..." Savage said, walking around her as she cradled the baby in her arms.

"He's not dead! He's coming back, he promised me!" She exclaimed, fear in her eyes.

"Well that's too bad, because you won't be here when he does come back." Savage fired the gun and (Name) screamed and flinched, but no pain hit her.

A tall man had shielded the bullet from her with his weapon, quickly helping her up and gesturing another to come and take her somewhere. Her daughter was crying, but she had no time to calm her down as she followed the man with goggles on into a ship. When they got inside, he turned to look at her, giving her a once over and handing her a towel and a change of clothes.

"We ain't got any baby stuff right now, but we can get some in the future." He said and she nodded in thanks.

He went to leave as she grabbed his wrist, and asked him what his name was.

"Call me Mick." He said and she nodded.

"I'm (Name). Thank you for saving me." She smiled.

"No problem Kid, just hurry up, there's a whole team you need to meet." He said before closing the door.

(Name) turned to her baby girl who had fallen asleep, and rummaged around in her pocket to see if she could find any dummies for her. She smiled as she found one, and placed it down to give her daughter when she woke up. (Name) took off her muddy clothes and put on the plain but comfortable shirt and pants before making an attempt to fix her hair.

She was interrupted by the little girl on the floor squirming so she picked her up, gave her the dummy and hushed her before opening the door that Mick left through, seeing a tall woman.

"Excuse me," (Name) tapped her on the shoulder. "I was informed I had to meet a crew?"

"Yeah, I'm Sara. Come on, this way." She smiled and led her into the cockpit.

"Guys, this is (Name). She's joining us for now." Sara said before introducing  (Name) to everyone.

When she came to Leonard, (Name)'s eyes widened and she walked towards him before reaching out cautiously as if he wasn't really there.

"You're alive!" She muttered.

"I am, and you're a mother, which means I'm a father." He said, slightly shocked.

"Wait! Snart's your baby daddy?" Jax asked, looking slightly disgusted.

"I beg your pardon?" You asked to which Leonard explained. "Yes, he's the father of my daughter."

"What's her name if you don't mind me asking?" Kendra asked, cooing over the child.

"She's called Aurelia Lily Snart." (Name) said, bouncing the baby slightly.

"Aurelia derives from the word gold in Latin, does it not?" Martin questioned.

"Yes." (Name) smiled. "She is named after Lisa, Leonard's sister."

The two additions to the team soon fit in and became family for everyone else and Leonard became the best dad ever (after Rip) unlike Lewis Snart.

DC LEGENDS IMAGINES ( Formerly Leonard Snart, Mick Rory and Rip Hunter Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now