Leonard - Unexpected Outcome

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Requested by legendsflarrowverse


6. Will you marry me?

9. It's not like we're dating

11. I'm not getting caught half naked with you again


(Name) had just gone through a break up with her boyfriend and was out dancing in the club. Yeah she was alone but she was planning to go home with some guy and have a one night stand to get over him. So here she was, dressed in a tight blue dress, a bit tipsy but having fun grinding on the handsome stranger who had bought her a drink. His hands were gripped on (Name)'s hips and he was kissing her neck as they danced, her hands running down his legs. Then the song changed and (Name) started dancing with renewed effort to the new song, knowing it was working when she heard the moan falling from the man's lips and his body reacting exactly how she wanted it to. It wasn't until his hands made their way upto her chest and he was leaving hickeys all over her neck and exposed shoulders when she actually decided it was definitely this man that she was going to sleep with tonight. She turned around to kiss the stranger who gladly responded before taking her hand, nodding to a man across the room and taking her back to his house.

"It's so fancy!" She gasped in between kisses.

"You like it? Just wait 'till I get you on the balcony." The man smirked. "Don't worry, we can see out but no one can see in."

"Someone's here?" (Name) asked, now trying be quieter.

"Just my sister, her boyfriend and couple of my friends. They won't mind, come on, I can't wait any longer." The man grinned.

"Wait!" (Name) said, before he pulled her dress off. "What's your name?"

"You can call me Leonard or Cold, I don't really care." Cold shrugged.

"You're that thief aren't you? That's so hot, I've always wanted a criminal to go down on me." (Name)'s alcohol muddled brain was talking now.

Cold only laughed before giving her a night to remember.

When  (Name) opened her eyes, she took in the sight of Cold's bedroom to see clothes littering the room, as well as a condom packet and a couple of packs of cigarettes.

'Ugh, I am never waking up half naked here again.' She thought you herself.

But to her left, there was a note in the place of Cold which made her laugh.

Morning gorgeous, last night was something else. Apologies about the hickeys and bruises but drunk you seemed to like them. Feel free to stay as long as you like, and call the cab number I left when you want to go home  (one of my friends so they won't question). My sister's name in Lisa and the other guy is Mick if you wanted to know. I'm out on business with the Flash, but I've also left my personal phone number if you want a second date.

Love Len x

(Name) got dressed quickly, and grabbed her bag before heading downstairs to see the two people Cold- no Len- said would be there. Lisa handed her a cup of coffee and introduced herself and Mick, also explaining that her boyfriend was upstairs.

"So you're Len's new girl?" Mick asked.

"It's not like we're dating..." (Name) shrugged. "But it seems like he wants to do this again so I guess we could be friends with benefits."

Lisa cut in and tossed the woman a breakfast bar. "Honey, Lenny hasn't took anyone home and smashed them like he did you in ages. I don't think he's looking for anything casual."

"I've never been in a serious relationship before, my last boyfriend was only using me on the side. I don't really know what to do." (Name) confessed as Lisa smirked.

"Come on, let's go shopping for things to impress Lenny." She grinned and dragged out (Name) by the hand before getting in a cab and going to the shopping centre.

The brunette woman's first destination was Victoria's Secret because (Name) apparently needed something that 'Lenny would like' and after about an hour of Lisa forcing the other woman to try on cute sets of matching underwear and accessories to go with it, ended up coming out with a lacy blue set.

"I don't expect that from you y'know." (Name) said after Lisa offered to (and actually did) pay for the lingerie.

"Hey, you're the best girl he's gone out with for ages. If you want you keep him, because I certainly want you to stick around, you need to use this to your advantage." Lisa grinned, shoving the stripey pink bag into the arms of her new friend.

"I don't do many womanly things... I'm mostly busy with my job." (Name) confessed.

"Oooh, what do you do?" Lisa inquired, pulling (Name) into Starbucks.

"Well I used to work with my ex boyfriend Dante Ramon but now I haven't got a job since our split was less than amicable." She muttered.

"Dante? You dated my boyfriend's asshole brother? Huh, small world." Lisa grinned. "If you want, I could get you a job as a bartender in this bar that Mick and Lenny own."

"Sounds good to me... I guess Len's my boss now." (Name) said. "I like the sound of that."

When the pair returned back to the safe house from shopping and picking up some things from (Name)'s apartment, she quickly got changed into the new things she bought and was waiting for Leonard when he entered his  (their?) bedroom. He looked stressed and ran a hair over his buzz cut before grabbing a beer from the mini fridge and turned to look at the woman lying on his bed.

"Now what do we have here?" He asked, cheeky grin on his face. "Oh shit Babe, will you marry me? Hell, no never mind I've died and gone to heaven because I'm sure there's an angel on my bed."

(Name) snorted slightly and shook her head. "If an angel drinks beers and now works at the bar that you own, sure."

"You're filling Enrique's space? Good, we needed a new bartender and even better she wants to come into my bed of a night." Len joked.

"Come on and kiss me boss man, I doubt Lisa paid all this money for me to take it off myself at the end of the night..." (Name) winked.

"When you put it like that baby, I can't refuse..." Len drawled.

DC LEGENDS IMAGINES ( Formerly Leonard Snart, Mick Rory and Rip Hunter Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now