Leonard - Dress up

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For kittythekoala using the prompt 'will you visit me in prison' for Leonard.

A/N: I haven't wrote for Leonard in so long, ugh I miss him on the show and then we got Leo but now he's not a regular and can someone just give me a show where Ray Terril-Snart and Leonard Snart-Terril (because even though being cannonly married ...

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A/N: I haven't wrote for Leonard in so long, ugh I miss him on the show and then we got Leo but now he's not a regular and can someone just give me a show where Ray Terril-Snart and Leonard Snart-Terril (because even though being cannonly married we didn't get their surname) just kick Nazi ass? Please? Also, implied sex (the characters are all over 18)!

From somewhere (well, probably Gideon's fabricator) Leonard had found a 'sexy cop' outfit and he wanted his girlfriend (Name) to wear it, so naturally she refused. Len thought it was absolutely hilarious and had invited Mick and Sara over to their shared bunk to convince her to wear it and then laugh (well, that wasn't part of the plan, but Mick would probably laugh). The thing was however, (Name) came onto the ship dating Leonard, and as the whole of Central City knew, Leonard Snart, aka Captain Cold and the adopted metahuman daughter of police captain David Singh and his husband Rob were a very unlikely couple.

"I swear to God, this was worse than the time I walked in on Dad and Pa in the shower, because whew that was a very weird day." (Name) said, still comfortably lying on her bed ignoring the fact that Leonard was still holding the outfit.

"Come on, (Name), where's your sense of adventure?" Sara teased and (Name) had the very mature response of throwing an empty water bottle at her new friend.

"It died when Leonard tried to get me to wear that damn thing!" (Name) retorted. "He's a right kinky bastard!"

"Now now..." Leonard mock pouted, slowly stepping towards his girlfriend. "There is no need to be nasty about it, dear."

(Name) smirked, the game between her and Leonard had began. It only took a little bit of flirting and light touching on (Name)'s part for Mick to laugh and drag Sara with him, as he could see that his boss was getting riled up. When the door closed behind them, (Name) straddled Leonard and kissed him deeply on the lips, allowing his hands to roam and letting out a groan when they finally settled on her ass, squeezing slightly. A gentle rock of the hips made Leonard curse and a playful look shone in his eyes. He let out a condescending tut, and with a sudden bolt of agility, was pinning (Name) down and had secured her arms behind her back with the handcuffs, smirking as (Name) let out a bratty huff.

"You simply cannot out-con a conman, my dear. If you want to get out of those, you're going to have to remember what I taught you. But, in the meantime I thought we could make use of this empty bedroom..." Leonard drawled, lips ghosting over his girlfriend's neck who glared and kicked him with her foot.

"This isn't exactly comfortable y'know." She complained as Leonard kissed her neck.

"Prisoners don't get to complain, dear. You wouldn't wear the outfit, so I made use of what I had." Leonard teased before biting into (Name)'s neck and slowly unbuttoning her dress.

(Name) supposed she had prompted this, with her teasing of him earlier and she did know that Leonard was both a tease and a flirt whilst in bed so she shouldn't have been surprised that he'd use the plastic handcuffs on her. Her moment came when Leonard realised that he couldn't remove her dress without uncuffing (Name) and as soon as her arms were free, she had Leonard handcuffed to the headboard.

"I've got you now, oh so clever Captain Cold..." She gloated, crawling up the bed in her underwear, giving the criminal a good show. "Defeated by a cop's daughter... You're losing your touch!"

But, just saw her hands settled on the zipper to Leonard's pants, he had somehow managed to remove the cuffs. He tossed them across the room, deaming them more harm than good as both of them had managed to evade the other's use of them. (Name) retook her position of sitting on his lap, and wrapped her arms around him as they kissed.

"I love you." She whispered, laughing softly as Leonard kissed her forehead.

"I love you too, babe." Leonard muttered. "I love that you care, that you go along with my little games and that you did visit me when I got arrested."

(Name) laughed, "When my dad's find out what we've been up to, will you visit me in prison?"

"I'll bail you out, baby girl. I care about you more than anything." Leonard grinned back.

DC LEGENDS IMAGINES ( Formerly Leonard Snart, Mick Rory and Rip Hunter Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now