Chapter 1

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Spot POV

"Thank you ma'am, I say to the lady who just bought my last paper. I hand her the paper and reach in my pocket to get change for the dime she just handed me.

"Keep the change sweetheart," she says brushing her hand against my arm before walking away.

That's one thing that I get from being a young, and may I add, attractive young male. It sure helps with selling papes. Seeing as I'm done for the day I head towards the Brooklyn newsies lodge. As I'm walking down the street I see Skippy still selling.

"Hope you made enough to sleep in the lodge tonight," he says when he notices me walking by. I nod to him and show him my empty bag. "Good," he replies. "Just don't goes givin' away all youse earnings this time."

Last night I found myself having to sleep in an alley. It wasn't that I didn't have enough to pay for the rent of a night at the lodging house, It's the fact that Ace didn't. One bad day of selling out here can do a number on a kid. He didn't even have enough to buy food because he had to be able to buy papes the next day. Everyone goes without food once in awhile but I can't stand to see the guys like that. Ace was just in a bad spot and I had to help out. I spared as much as I could so he could get a bite to eat. I could tell from the way he ate last night that it had been a couple of days since he was able to put any food in his belly. It may have cost me a night of sleeping in the lodge but with enough money for plenty of papes and a friend with a full belly it was worth it.

My thoughts are interrupted when I turn the corner only to be knocked flat on my ass.

"Watch where you're goin' shrimp."

"Hold up Al. Ise don't think wese seen this face before."

Before I know what's happening I feel myself being lifted off the ground. I've always known the streets of Brooklyn wasn't safe but usually I have one of the fellas here to back me up. Looking around I see no one accept Roy and Joe with their smug faces staring down at me. They may not know my face but I sure know theirs. They are nothing but a bunch of big bullies.

"Not you three," I exclaim. I immediately I rear back and kick Albert who must be holding me.

I hear a grunt from Al as he lets me go. As soon as my feet hit the ground I take off down an unfamiliar alleyway.

"Get back here," I hear from behind me.

"Yeah right. Like I'm about to listen to youse guys," I mumble to myself as I turn the corner. "A least not with these bum odds."

Looking back I only see Al and Joe chasing me. They must know this part of Brooklyn better than me and plan to head me off. Expecting some kind of trap I keep my eyes peeled for any kind of escape route. All I find though is an open window three stories up a bit ahead of me that is only accessible by a fire escape.

All of a sudden I run into what seems like a brick walls. "Gotcha." Of course what I ran into just had to be worse than a brick wall. I'm immediately pulled back up into the air by the one and only Albert.

"AY, LET ME GO PINHEAD!" I scream knowing that he won't actually do so willingly.

"After all our hard work chasing you down?" Joe asked sarcastically. "How about we wait until Roy gets back from telling the bulls we caught you stealing from my father's shop instead?"

"That's a lie and you know it." I say as I rear back trying to catch Al off guard again. this time he notices and lets go of me to try and protect himself. Unfortunately for him he was to slow. I take off again. I feel my chest screaming at me for all the running I'm doing but I can't get caught again. I jump into a bin and pray they didn't see me. Al is slow to catch onto things but I doubt my trick would work a third time.

"YOU IDIOT," I hear from somewhere nearby. It sounds like Joe isn't to happy about the whole situation.

I wait for what seems like an eternity before finally emerging from my hiding place. I know I can't keep wandering around for the trio to find me so I try to hightail it back to the Brooklyn newsies lodge. Hopefully I can get out of here before they get back. I get out of the bin and start to head back towards the alleyway we just came from. I'm about halfway down the alleyway when I hear the sound of voices behind me. That's my cue to take off and I start sprinting. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Racetrack POV

Slamming the door behind me I knew I had made a mistake. Immediately I see my sister, Helen, running up to me ready to play when all I want to do is relax.

"Come on Tommy! Youse been gone all day," Helen whined.

At that moment our mother walked in a scolded her. "Helen you are a lady. I honestly can't understand why you choose to speak in that manner. Anyone listening would believe you were one of those street rats."

"But ma' you neva say anythin' when Tommy talks like dis." Helen replied.

This causes our mom to stare me down. I try my best but I sometimes notice myself slipping. I've only been going to school for about a week now and it has been a struggle. My mom doesn't understand that it isn't easy just starting school at twelve years old. The other kids have known each other and have been in school together for years. I just don't fit in with them. I think they all a bunch of uppity little shits.

My thoughts were broken by my mom's condescending voice. "I think you should head upstairs and work on some of your school work."

"Yes ma'am," I say already heading towards the back room my sister and I share. "Thankfully while I'm doing 'school work' ma will be playing with Helen," I mumble to myself as I set my bag down. Lately I've been using this time to sit by the window and watch what's happening outside. The only thing school has really done for me so far is give me a break from my little sister. She's only two years younger than me but sheesh.

All of a sudden I see a kid about my age running and weaving down the alleyway that my window overlooks. Right behind him I see a huge man following him, who is surprisingly fast for his size. Leaning out the window I turn my attention back to the not only to see him run into another man.

"AY, LET ME GO PINHEAD!" I hear the boy yell. The man holding the boy says something back to him but I'm too far away to hear him. Whatever it was must have angered the kid because all of a sudden I see him kick the man holding him where the sun don't shine. The man kneels over in pain and the boy take off around the corner and out of sight.

"YOU IDIOT," the other man screams kicking his partner on the ground. Soon he gets up off the ground and they both stalk off together.

"What da 'ell just happened?" I mumble to myself.

"Ya know mom doesn't like it when you cuss," my sister says walking up behind me. "Anyway what happened?"

"When did you get here?"

"I'll answer afta you answer me," she says crossing her arms and throwing out her hip.

I swear she thinks she's so dramatic. It makes my blood boil. "It's nothin'. Okay your turn," I say mimicking her movements.

"That's not an ans... What's that noise?" she says looking behind me.

I turn around to see what she's talking about only to see the kid from moments ago tumbling through my window.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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