Chapter Twenty-Four

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like the cover? ;)

(longer chapter)

Y'all are scaring me with your damn death threats in the last chapter btw
also the due date for the contest is April 4th, which gives ya'll three weeks or so. good luck
also also it's five in the morning and I'm listening to goner by twenty one pilots and i decided it would be a good idea to write FanFiction and fml

(this doesnt even seem like a Septiplier Fic anymore, all my authors notes are basically me talking about my trashy life and tøp and ugh kill me)

anyways read the dang fanfic

JACK gave a reassuring squeeze to the hand in his own. He glanced over to look at their fingers, laced together, and his gaze travelled up the other boys arm and past his shoulder to eventually land on his face. Mark looked unsure, casting a nervous glance to Jack's hand with his own, but he didn't pull it away.

The smallest of smiles danced on Jack's lips as he looked forward again, using his free hand to push open the front door of their high school. For a brief moment they let go of each other, but, surprising the Irish boy, Mark was the one to reach out and take Jack's hand again.

"Are you sure?" Jack whispered, well aware that they were in the public eye and people would surely see them like this.

"Yeah," breathed Mark, keeping his eyes focused ahead. "Who cares what they think, right?"

"Right." The brown haired boy squeezed his hand again and Mark did the same. Together, they walked past the people hoarded at their lockers - they earned a few glares from people, an approving glance from Dan Howell as he walked past, but they didn't care. At least Jack didn't, because he felt Mark grip onto him tighter. People were whispering when they reached Jack's locker.

Jack and Mark locked eyes for a brief moment, and then they let go, hands falling to their sides. "See you later, Jack," Mark said in a hushed voice. Jack smiled and nodded and watched as the red haired boy walked away. He let out a sigh and smiled dumbly to himself, turning and opening his locker. He went to grab his textbook for science, but as he did this, he heard familiar voices down the hallway. His heart beat faster as he turned to confront the situation, and he heard a loud thud.

His eyes immediately narrowed when he saw Mark on the ground, sputtering as Tyler (another jock from their table) and Wade stood in front of him. "Faggot," Jack heard either of them sneer, and it pushed him over the edge - he placed his textbook back, slammed his locker shut, and stormed over to the trio.

"Leave Mark the fuck alone," Jack sneered to the two of them, attracting some attention as people glanced over with curiosity.

"Really, Mark? You need Jack to fight your battles for you?" Bob stepped in with the biggest smirk across his face.

"No, I don't," replied Mark gruffly as he stood up. He didn't look at Jack, but he still muttered under his breath, "Go to class, Jack, I can deal with them."

"No," the Irishman said stubbornly, clenching his fist. "I'm not going anywhere."

"And what're you gonna do, blind us with a rainbow?" Wade said with a snicker. "You are Irish, aren't you? Gay and Irish. What a coincidental match, and to think-"

And in those next few heartbeats, somebody lurched forward. It wasn't Jack, but a red-haired boy who's fist made contact with Wade's face; and then Bob stepped in, shoving him aside, and from somewhere else Tyler stood defensively in front of Bob, and Jack could barely pinpoint the second when Matthew and Cry jumped into the fight, taking the others on and backing up Mark.

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