My Brothers Bestfriend 5

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So it turns out watching a movie with Caleb didn't really help me accomplish anything, other than the decision to not let my feelings for him escalate any more.

It hurts me to think that the only way I can have him, is if I'm willing to just be another one of his girls. I'd have to share. And then again, who knows if he'd even hook up with me more than once? I don't know, but it doesn't matter because I'm just not that kind of girl. I'd never share Caleb, he's way too special.

I think I'm in love with Caleb. I know it's a far cry, to go from having a serious grade-A crush, to thinking I'm in love with him. But seriously? Crushing on the same guy for six years? It has to be more than a crush.

So maybe I get excited when Caleb stays over, which is basically always. And maybe I'm upset when he eventually goes home for a night or two, or goes home to have dinner with his parents. And maybe I grin too much to actually be angry when he's teasing me. And maybe his voice sends shivers down my arms and legs, and his laugh makes my stomach fill with butterflies, and his whole being makes me nervous and excited and simply a big hot mess.

But yeah, sure, it's only a crush.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when the front door opens with a loud bang. Jacob walks in, his face disappointed. He swings his arms beside him slightly, his demeanor awkward. "Well, uh, it turns out I don't actually know where he lives..."

A smirk falls onto my face and I bury my head further into Caleb's shoulder, not wanting Jake to see my amusement.

"Right," Caleb rolls his eyes. "I could have told you that,"

"Whatever," He huffs before stomping over to the stairs and climbing them two at a time. Just before he disappears from sight he turns around, his eyes seeking Caleb. "Are you coming? Or you gonna play barbies with my little sister?"

"Nah, man," Caleb says casually. His eyes move from the television to Jacob for only a split second before he's concentrating back on the movie. "I wanna finish this move. Come watch it with us? The chicks are hot,"

I bite my lip in jealousy as I stare at the girls on the television screen. Why I can't I look like that?

"Dude have you seen my room?" Jake sighs, shaking his head. "It is disgusting and I promised myself I'd clean it today. Kasey, you right?"

I look up at my brother to see his eyes are still worried, his jaw set tight. I smile at him, because yeah, thanks to these two boys I am alright. "I'm fine,"

He nods. "We'll talk about it later," He says this without room for discussion before he leaves us in peace to finish the movie. Caleb gets up and goes into the kitchen, returning with two bottled waters.

"You don't have to stay with me, Caleb," I tell him. I feel like if it weren't for what happened last night, Caleb wouldn't be paying me so much attention. And I don't want his pity attention, to be honest.

"I know I don't have to," He rolls his eyes. "But I want to,"

"Okay then," I whisper, focusing back on the screen. We are crashing, we we are crashing. I shake my head in amusement.

"Why? Are you bored?" I look at Caleb to see he's smirking, his face now slightly closer to mine.

"Um... Not really," My voice sounds awkward. "But I've seen this movie heaps of times, if you're bored we can change it or do something else,"

"Okay," He says quickly, turning both the DVD player and the television off.

"I don't really have any ideas," I admit after a few awkward seconds. I grin up at him. "We could always go and get ice-cream, your shout?"

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